Lesson 7.1
会話 Dialogue 1 
きょう なんにち
Michael:今日は何日ですか。Kyou wa nan-nichi desu ka.
What date is it today?
Honda:ええっと、 八日じゃないですか。Eetto, youka ja nai desu ka.
Umm, isn’t it the 8th?
Ja, shimekiri made ato is-shuukan desu ne.
Then, it’s one week left until the deadline, right?
Honda: ええ、がんばりましょう。Ee, ganbarimashou.
Michael:はい、一生懸命、がんばります。Hai, isshoukenmei ganbarimasu.
Yes, I’ll go all out and do my best.
単語 Vocabulary
Romanized Japanese |
Hiragana |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
nan-nichi |
なんにち |
何日 |
what date? See 7-1-1 |
youka |
ようか |
八日 |
8th (of the month) See 7-1-1 |
shimekiri |
しめきり |
締め切り |
deadline |
ato |
あと |
後 |
remaining, left (with a quantity) |
~shuukan |
〜しゅうかん |
週間 |
number of weeks See 7-1-2 |
is-shuukan |
いっしゅうかん |
一週間 |
one week |
isshoukenmei |
いっしょうけんめい |
一生懸命 |
go all out, with utmost effort |
文法 Grammar Notes
7-1-1 Calendar time: Counting and Naming Dates
The classifier for both naming and counting days is: ka 日or nichi 日. When
naming the days of the month, you only go up to the 31st, but when counting days you can go a lot higher. So, 50 nichi can only mean ‘fifty days’ while tooka can mean ‘the tenth of the month’ or ‘ten days.’ Please note the following:
- the first day of the month is tsuitachi (naming) while one day is ichi-nichi (counting).
- The Japanese number series with the classifier 〜ka is used up through ten, and then the Chinese number series with 〜nichi is used for the rest.
- two exceptions: hatsuka ‘the 20th’ or ‘twenty days’ and combinations ending with 4 such as juuyok-ka andnijuuyok-ka.
- Nan-nichi asks what date? or how many days? Please distinguish between ‘what day of the month’ nan-nichi and ‘what day of the week’ nan-youbi.
にち 日 |
げつ 月 |
か 火 |
すい 水 |
もく 木 |
きん 金 |
ど 土 |
1 ついたち |
2 ふつか |
3 みっか |
4 よっか |
5 いつか |
6 むいか |
7 なのか |
8 ようか |
9 ここのか |
10 とおか |
11 じゅういちにち |
12 じゅうににち |
13 じゅうさんにち |
14 じゅうよっか |
15 じゅうごにち |
16 じゅろくにち |
17 じゅうしちにち |
18 じゅうはちにち |
19 じゅうくにち |
20 はつか |
21 にじゅういちにち |
22 にじゅうににち |
23 にじゅうさんにち |
24 にじゅうよっか |
25 にじゅうごにち |
26 にじゅうろくにち |
27 にじゅうしちにち |
28 にじゅうはちにち |
29 にじゅうくにち |
30 さんじゅうにち |
31 さんじゅういちにち |
7-1-2 Counting Weeks
The classifier for counting weeks is ~shuukan 週間. There is no naming
classifier for weeks.Note the sound change (s ss) with 1, 8 and 10.
Romanized Japanese |
Japanese scripts |
English |
is-shuukan |
いっしゅうかん |
one week |
ni-shuukan |
にしゅうかん 二週間 |
two weeks |
san-shuukan |
さんしゅうかん |
three weeks |
yon-shuukan |
よんしゅうかん |
four weeks |
go-shuukan |
ごしゅうかん |
five weeks |
roku-shuukan |
ろくしゅうかん |
six weeks |
nana-shuukan |
seven weeks |
has-shuukan |
はっしゅうかん 八週間 |
eight weeks |
kyuu-shuukan |
きゅうしゅうかん 九週間 |
nine weeks |
jus-shuukan |
じゅっしゅうかん 十週間 |
ten weeks |
nan-shuukan |
なんしゅうかん 何週間 |
How many weeks? |
Drills and Exercises 
Cue: 一日ですか。Is it the first (day of the month)?
Response:いえ、二日です。No, it’s the second.
Cue: 十五日ですか。Is it the fifteenth?
Response:いえ、十六日です。No, it’s the sixteenth.
Cue: 後一時間ですね。There is one more hour left, right?
Response: はい、もう一時間がんばりましょう.
Yes, let’s work hard for one more hour.
Cue: 後、一週間ですね。There is one more week left, right?
Yes, let’s work hard for one more week.
Say it in Japanese.
You’ve been asked when the exam is scheduled.
Act in Japanese.
- Find out what day of the month it is today.
- Your parking time is going to expire soon. Find out how many minutes are left.
- Find out a) how many days, b) how many weeks are left before the deadline.
- Your group is going to make an important presentation. Urge everyone to do his or her best.
- You’ve been wished good luck. Respond.