Lesson 5.3
会話 Dialogue 3 
In an office building
Michael: Toire wa docchi desu ka.Where is the rest room?
Honda: Ik-kai no uketsuke de kikimashou.Let’s ask at the reception on the first floor.
いっかいうけつけ き
At the receptionist desk
Michael: Sumimasen.Excuse me.
Anou, toire wa dochira deshou ka.Ummm, where is the rest room?
Reception: Toire desu ka.The rest room?
Achira ni kaidan ga gozaimasu ne.Over there is a stairway, right?
Ano kaidan no mou sukoshi saki ni gozaimasu. It’s a little past that stairway.
かいだんすこ さき
Michael: Sumimasen.Sorry.
Mou ichi-do yukkuri onegai-shimasu.Once more, slowly please.
Romanized Japanese |
Japanese scripts |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
toire |
トイレ |
rest room |
~kai |
〜かい |
階 |
floor (of a building) |
ik-kai |
いっかい |
first floor |
uketsuke |
うけつけ |
受付 |
receptionist desk |
deshou |
でしょう |
probably, tentative form desu |
kaidan |
かいだん |
階段 |
stairway, stairs |
gozaimasu |
ございます |
exist, have, be (polite); a polite equivalent of arimasu, typically used by clerks and service personnel. |
mou |
もう |
more |
mou sukoshi |
もうすこし |
もう少し |
a little more
saki |
さき |
先 |
ahead |
~do |
〜ど |
度 |
classifier for times |
ichi-do |
いちど |
一度 |
one time |
yukkuri |
ゆっくり |
slowly |
+infomeeshon |
インフォメーション |
information (desk) |
+otearai |
おてあらい |
お手洗い |
rest room |
+chizu |
ちず |
地図 |
map |
+eriamappu |
エリアマップ |
area map |
+erebeetaa |
エレベーター |
elevator |
+esukareetaa |
エスカレーター |
escalator |
+tonari |
となり |
隣 |
next door |
+yoko |
よこ |
横 |
side, at the side of |
+mukou |
むこう |
向こう |
opposite side, other side |
+soba |
そば |
vicinity, near |
+chikaku |
ちかく |
近く |
neighborhood, near |
+~kai |
〜かい |
回 |
classifier for times, occasions |
Grammar Notes
- Deshou ‘Probably’
Deshou is a tentative form of desu and indicates probability or likelihood. It can occur after an adjective or a noun:
Takai deshou.It’s probably expensive.
Sensei deshou.She’s probably a teacher.
When the particle ka is added to deshou sentences, it becomes even less sure. For this reason, deshou ka sounds more polite than desu ka in asking questions. Note the falling intonation on ka.
Takai deshou ka.Do you suppose it’s expensive?
Doko deshou ka.Where might it be?
When it is used alone with question intonation, deshou? is a response to something that the speaker feels to be self-evident: ‘Didn’t I tell you?’ or ‘I know you would agree.’
Aa, oishii desu!Oh, it’s delicious!
–Deshou?Isn’t it? (Didn’t I tell you?)
Both mou and motto mean ‘more’ in English, but they are followed by different elements. The word motto was introduced in Lesson 3. It combines with a verb, adjective, noun+desu to indicate a greater degree than what has been mentioned.
Motto douzo.Please have more.
Motto yasui apaatocheaper apartments
Motto kirei desu.It’s prettier.
The word mou combines with a quantity expression to indicate added amount. Unlike English, where ‘more’ follows the quantity, in Japanese it precedes the quantity.
mou chottoa little more
mou hito-tsuone more
When you offer something, motto is more polite, but when you accept an offer, mou sukoshi is more polite.
Motto nomimasen ka.Won’t you drink more?
-Ja, mou sukoshi itadakimasu. Well then, I’ll take a little more.
- More classifiers: 〜kai、〜do /〜kai
The classifier for floors of a building is –kai/-gai and the classifiers for counting the number of times are –do and -kai (recall Mou ichi-do onegai-shimasu. ‘One more time, please.’ from Lesson 1.) Note the difference between these two questions:
Nan-kai arimasu ka. ’How many floors are there?’
Nan-kai ni arimasu ka. ‘On which floor is it?’
floors |
times/occasions |
1 |
一階 ik-kai |
一度ichi-do |
一回 ik-kai |
2 |
二階 ni-kai |
二度ni-do |
二回 ni-kai |
3 |
三階 san-kai/ san-gai |
三度san-do |
三回 san-kai |
4 |
四階 yon-kai |
四度yon-do |
四回 yon-kai |
5 |
五階 go-kai |
五度go-do |
五回 go-kai |
6 |
六階 rok-kai |
六度roku-do |
六回 rok-kai |
7 |
七階 nana-kai |
七度nana-do |
七回 nana-kai |
8 |
八階 hachi-kai or hak-kai |
八度hachi-do |
八回 hachi-kai or hak-kai |
9 |
九階 kyuu-kai |
九度kyuu-do |
九回 kyuu-kai |
10 |
十階 juk-kai or jikkai |
十度juu-do |
十回 juk-kai or jikkai |
? |
何階 nan-kai |
何度nan-do |
何回 nan-kai |
Drills and Exercises 
Cue: あの人、日本人ですか。Is he a Japanese?
Response: よくわかりませんけど、日本人でしょう。
I’m not sure, but he is probably a Japanese.
Cue: あのアパート、高くないですか。Isn’t that apartment expensive?
Response: よくわかりませんけど、高くないでしょう。
I’m not sure, but it is probably not expensive.
Cue: 一つですか。One?
Response: はい、もう一つです。Yes, one more.
Cue: 食べますか。Will you have some?
Response: はい、もっと食べます。Yes, I’ll have some more.
Say it in Japanese.
You’ve been asked where your apartment is.
- It’s near the park.
- It’s a little further ahead. There is a bank over there, right? It’s beyond that bank.
- It’s two more floors up. It’s tiring because there is no elevator.
- It’s on the third floor of the new condo near the university entrance.
- It’s next to my company, so it’s really convenient.
Act these roles in Japanese with a partner.
- Ask at the information desk where you can find a) the ladies’ room, b) the elevator
- You’ve been given directions, but didn’t quite get them. Ask the other person to repeat it slowly.
- Urge your guest to eat more. As a guest, accept one more.
- You’re talking about a) tomorrow’s weather, b) your final grade in the class, c) what you will get for Christmas. What is your guess?