Lesson 7.4
会話 Dialogue 4 
In the office, Michael has just finished creating a file.
Raigetsu kara no sukejuuru desu kedo, chotto mite itadakemasen ka.
About the schedule for next month (and after), can I have you look at it for me?
Tanaka:いいわよ。ファイルを、送って。 Ii wa yo. Fairu o okutte.
Sure. Please send me the file.
Michael: はい、よろしくお願いします。Hai. Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu.
Got it. Thanks in advance.
Tanaka: スミス君、例のファイルは?Sumisu-kun, rei no fairu wa?
Mr. Smith, what about that file (you mentioned)?
じかんまえ おく
Are? Ichi-jikan mae ni okurimashita kedo.
What? I sent it an hour ago but…
Tanaka:変ねえ。Hen nee.
That’s odd, isn’t it.
ど おく
Michael:もう一度、送ります。Mou ichi-do okurimasu.
I’ll send it again.
単語 Vocabulary
Romanized Japanese |
Japanese scripts |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
raigetsu |
らいげつ |
来月 |
next month |
+shiryou |
しりょう |
資料 |
documents, materials, data |
+repooto |
レポート |
report |
itadakemasen ka |
いただけませんか |
can I have? |
Mite itadakemasen ka. |
みていただけませんか |
見ていただけませんか |
can I have you look? |
okurimasu |
おくります |
送ります |
send |
okutte kudasai |
おくってください |
送ってください |
please send |
rei |
れい |
例 |
(X) in question, (X) discussed earlier |
are? |
あれ? |
What? Huh? (I’m puzzled) |
hen (na) |
へん(な) |
変 |
odd, strange |
文法 Grammar Notes
7-4-1 ~te itadakemasen kaMore on Requests
We have learned how to request things using kudasai and onegai-shimasu.
We will now add a slightly more polite way of asking, itadakemasen ka, which means ‘can’t I have X?’So, you can request for coffee in the following three ways.
コーヒー、ください。Koohii kudasai.
コーヒー、お願いします。Koohii onegai-shimasu.
コーヒー、いただけませんか。Kohii itadakemasne ka.
When requesting an action, you have leaned to use a ~te form alone (informal) or a ~te form plus kudasai. You can also substitute itadakemasen ka for kudasai to make a more polite request. So, you can ask for help in the following three ways now.
手伝ってください。Tetsudatte kudasai.
手伝っていただけませんか。Tetsudatte itadakemasen ka.
These are the most common request forms in Japanese, but there are many more—dozens, perhaps. It’s important to choose a right request form for each situation. The choice is made based on the elements such as the relationship between the speakers, the nature of the request you are making, the setting, etc.
7-4-2 Relative Time Words
Time expressions such as san-ji ‘3 o’clock’ and mik-ka ‘the 3rd’ indicate specific times. In contrast, expressions such as kyou ‘today’ and ima ‘now’ refer to relative times defined by their relationship to the timing of an utterance. These relative time words usually do not require the time particle に while specific time expressions do.
あした、します。Ashita shimasu.I’ll do it tomorrow.
ど よ う び
土曜日に、します。Doyoubi ni shimasu. I’ll do it on Saturday.
In the chart below, note the regular elements such as mai~ 毎 ‘every X’, sensen~ 先々‘X before last’, sen~ 先 ‘last X’, kon~ 今’this X’, rai~ 来‘next X’, sarai~ 再来‘X after next’. Watch out for the irregular items, marked in yellow below.
Relative Time Words
ひ 日 day |
おととい day before yesterday |
きのう 昨日 yesterday |
きょう 今日 today |
あした あ すtomorrow |
あさって day after tomorrow |
まいにち 毎 日 every day |
あさ 朝 morning |
あさ おとといの朝 day before yesterday morning |
きのう あさ 昨日の朝 yesterday morning |
けさ 今朝 this morning |
あさ あしたの朝tomorrow morning |
あさ あさっての朝day after tomorrow morning |
まいあさ 毎 朝 every morning |
ばん |
ばん おとといの晩 よる おとといの夜 day before yesterday evening |
ゆう |
こんばん |
ばん あしたの晩 よる あしたの夜tomorrow evening |
ばん あさっての晩 よる あさっての夜day after tomorrow evening |
まいばん |
晩 |
夕 べ |
今 晩 |
毎 晩 |
or |
こんや |
まいよ |
よる |
今夜 |
毎夜 |
夜 |
evening |
yesterday evening |
this evening |
every evening |
しゅう 週 week |
せんせんしゅう 先 々 週 week before last |
せんしゅう 先 週 last week |
こんしゅう 今 週 this week |
らいしゅう 来 週 next week |
さらいしゅう 再 来 週 week after next |
まいしゅう 毎 週 every week |
つき 月 month |
せんせんげつ 先 々 月 month before last |
せんげつ 先 月 last month |
こんげつ 今 月 this month |
らいげつ 来 月 next month |
さらいげつ 再来月 month after next |
まいつき 毎 月 every month |
とし 年 year |
おととし year before last |
きょねん 去 年 last year |
ことし 今年 this year |
らいねん 来 年 next year |
さらいねん 再来年 year after next |
まいとし 毎 年 まいねん |
毎 年 every year |
がっき |
せんがっき |
こんがっき |
らいがっき |
まいがっき |
学期 |
先学期 |
今学期 |
来学期 |
毎学期 |
semester, quarter, academic term |
last term |
this term |
next term |
every term |
7-4-3 来月からのスケジュール Noun + Particle as a Noun Phrase
A noun + certain particles can constitute a noun phrase. The particles include kara, made, de, e, and to. Just like a regular noun phrase, the resulting combination can be followed by desu and its variants and can be connected to another noun by particle no.
イギリスからです。 Igirisu kara desu.It is from England.
友だちとじゃないです。 Tomodachi to ja nai desu.It’s not with a friend.
イギリスからのおみやげ Igirisu kara no omiyagea souvenir from England
友だちとの旅行です。 Tomodachi to no ryokou desu. It’s a trip with a friend.
Note the difference in the following:
来月から 出 張 です。Raigetsu kara shucchou desu.
From next moth, I have a business trip.
来月からの 出 張 です。Raigetsukara no shucchou desu.
It is [a business trip from next month].
The first sentence answers the question of ‘what does your schedule look like?, for example, while the second one answers ‘which business trip are you talking about ?’
Drills and Exercises 
Cue: 見ましょうか。Shall I take a look?
Response: じゃ、ちょっと、見ていただけませんか.
Well, could you take a look for me?
Cue: 手伝いましょうか.Can I help?
Response: じゃ、ちょっと、手伝っていただけませんか.
Well, could you give me a hand?
Cue: きょうですか.Is it today?
Response: いや、あしたです。No, it’s tomorrow.
Cue: 先 週でしたか.Was it last week?
Response: いや、今 週です。 No, it is this week.
Say it in Japanese.
Politely make the following requests of a supervisor.
- Could you send me that file (we talked about)?
- Could you read Ms. Honda’s report one more time?
- Could you take a look at the documents from China?
- Could you meet my senpai next week?
- Could you make next year’s schedule?
You’ve been asked about an event. Inform the times of the event as follows:
- This morning
- The tenth of last month
- Next August
- From 9:00 last night
- Since last academic term
- For three weeks starting this week
Act in Japanese
- Ask a) Tanaka, a male classmate, b) Tanaka, a co-worker, c) Tanaka, a supervisor to email you the file.
- You pushed the button on the vending machine but nothing happened. Express your puzzlement. Ask a store clerk to take a look.
- Find out what a co-worker did a) last night, b) last Sunday, c) on the break last month, d) on last year’s birthday.
- Find out what he/she is going to do a) tomorrow night, b) on Sunday next week,
c) on the break next month, d) on next year’s birthday.