Lesson 6.3
会話 Dialogue 3 
On the train
Michael:Tsugi no eki de orimasu ne.We get off at the next station, right?
Honda:Hai. Sore kara chikatetsu ni norikaemasu. Yes. Then we change to the subway.
ち か て つの か
Michael:Nan-ji goro tsukimasu ka.About what time will we arrive?
Honda:Roku-ji-han ni wa tsukimasu yo.We’ll get there by 6:30.
ろくじはん つ
Walking to the theater
Honda:Ima nan-ji desu ka.What time is it now?
Michael:Jup-pun mae desu.Ten (minutes) to (the hour)
Honda:Chotto isogimashou.Let’s hurry a little bit.
単語 Vocabulary
Romanized Japanese |
Hiragana |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
tsugi |
つぎ |
次 |
next |
orimasu |
おります |
降ります |
get off, alight |
sore kara |
それから |
then, next |
norikaemasu |
のりかえます |
乗り換えます |
change, transfer (transportation) |
tsukimasu |
つきます |
着きます |
arrive |
+demasu |
でます |
出ます |
leave |
~goro |
ごろ |
around X, approximately |
nan-ji goro |
なんじごろ |
何時頃 |
around what time |
jup-pun mae |
じゅっぷんまえ |
十分前 |
ten minutes before the hour |
+sugi |
すぎ |
過ぎ |
after |
isogimasu |
いそぎます |
急ぎます |
hurry |
+arukimasu |
あるきます |
歩きます |
walk |
+hashirimasu |
はしります |
走ります |
run |
文法 Grammar Notes
6-3-1 何時ごろApproximation of Naming Time
In 6-2-2 above, we saw that ~gurai combines with counting classifiers to indicate approximation of quantity. ~Goro on the other hand combines with naming time classifiers to indicate approximation of point in time. Thus, ichi-ji goro means ‘about one o’clock.’
We also saw in 6-1-3 that specific time expressions take particle にto indicate the specific time at which something happens. However, when these specific time expressions are followed by ~goro, the particle ni becomes optional. This may be because ~goro makes the expressions vague –without clear starting and ending points– like time expressions such as asa ‘morning’. In many situations, ~goro makes you sound softer and polite.
なんじ い
何時に行きますか。Nan-ji ni ikimasu ka.
What time are you going?
なんじ い
何時ごろ行きますか。Nan-ji goro ikimasu ka.
Around what time are you going?
It is also to be noted that in contemporary Japanese ~gurai has begun to combine with naming time classifiers. In another word, ~gurai is used like ~goro. However, in such cases, the particle にis required in order to avoid confusion:
月曜日に帰ります。Getsuyoubi ni kaerimasu.
I’ll return on Monday.
月曜日ごろ(に)帰ります。Getsuyoubi goro (ni) kaerimasu.
I’ll return around Monday.
月曜日ぐらいに帰ります。Getsuyoubi gurai ni kaerimasu.
I’ll return around Monday.
じゅっぷん い
十 分ぐらい行きましょう。 Jup-pun gurai ikimashou.
Let’s go for about ten minutes. (counting)
じゅっぷん い
十 分ごろ行きましょう。Juppun goro ikimashou.
Let’s go around ten minutes (past the hour). (naming)
じゅっぷん い
十 分ぐらいに行きましょう。Jup-pun gurai ni ikimashou.
Let’s go around ten minutes (past the hour). (naming)
6-3-2- sugi/ maeMore about telling time
In 6-1-2 above, we saw that in telling clock time, the hour is followed by minutes (ku-ji jup-pun.) You may also hear minutes before the hour followed by mae ‘before’ or minutes after the hour followed by sugi ‘past’:
Japanese script |
Romanized Japanese |
English |
ろくじごふんまえ 六時五分前 |
roku-ji go-fun mae |
five minutes before/until 6:00 |
はいじじゅっぷんす 八時十分過ぎ |
hachi-ji jup-pun sugi. |
Ten minutes after/past 8:00 |
ひる まえ お昼ちょっと前 |
ohiru chotto mae |
a little before noon |
くじはん すこ 九時半少しすぎ |
ku-ji han sukoshi sugi |
a little past 6:30 |
When the hour has already been mentioned or understood, it is common not to mention it:
六時ですか.Roku-ji desuka.Is it six?
いえ、十分前です。 Iie, jup-pun mae desu.No, it’s ten to.
6-3-3 Learning Verbs with Particles
Selecting the right particle is always a challenge to many learners of Japanese. As you expand your vocabulary, it’s recommended that you learn each new verb along with the particle that is typically used with it.
In this lesson we learn several verbs that are associated with transportation.
Notice that these verbs take different particles and it is hard to guess the right ones simply on the basis of their English translations.
バスに乗ります。 Basu ni norimasu. I’ll get on the bus.
バスを降ります。Basu o orimasu. I’ll get off the bus
バスを乗り換えます。Basu o norikaemasu. I’ll change buses.
の か
バスに乗り換えます。Basu ni norikaemasu.I’ll transfer to a bus.
バスから乗り換えます。Basu kara norikaemasu. I’ll transfer from a bus.
いえ で
家を出ました。Ie o demashita. I left home.
家に着きました。Ie ni tsukimashita. I arrived home.
Drills and Exercises 
Listen to the audio. Following the first two model exchanges, respond to each cue.
Cue: 一時ですね。It’s one o’clock, right?
Response: はい、一時ごろです。Yes, it’s around one.
Cue: 一時間ですね。It’s one hour, right?
Response: はい、一時間ぐらいです。Yes, it’s about one hour.
ろくじ で
Cue: 六時に出ます。It leaves at six.
Response: じゃあ、七時ごろには着きますね。
Then, it will arrive around seven, right?
ろくじはん で
Cue: 六時半に出ます。It leaves at 6:30.
Response: じゃあ、七時半頃には着きますね。
Then it will arrive around 7:30, right?
Say it in Japanese.
You’ve been asked at what time the next bus arrives:
1. 4:12
2. 5:50
3. 9:48
4. 18:04
You’ve been asked what time you arrived here. Answer that you arrived here:
- one hour ago
- ten minutes before the meeting 3. at 6:55
4. at 7:05
- a little before 7:30
- around noon
Act in Japanese.
- It’s fifteen minutes before the train leaves. Suggest that a) you hurry, b) you run,
c) you take a taxi to the station, d) take the next train
- You’ve just missed a boat. Find out what time the next one a) leaves here, b) arrives over there.
- Find out where a) to get on the train, b) to transfer from train to subway, c) to get off the subway.
- You’ve been asked what you do to stay healthy. Mention that a) you take a walk for about one hour every day, b) you run in the park during lunchtime, c) you get off the train here; then you walk to the next station.