Lesson 5.2
会話 Dialogue 2 
Emily is looking for an ATM in the area.
Emily: Sumimasen. Excuse me.
Kono hen ni ATM arimasen ka. Isn’t there an ATM around here?
すみません。この辺に ATM ありませんか。
Man: Achikochi ni arimasu kedo, ichi-ban chikai no wa ano konbini no naka desu.
They’re here and there, but the closest one is inside that convenience store over there.
Emily: A, dou mo. Oh, thanks.
Romanized Japanese |
Japanese scripts |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
hen |
へん |
辺 |
area |
kono hen |
このへん |
この辺 |
this area |
eetiiemu |
エイティーエム |
achikochi |
あちこち |
here and there, everywhere |
konbini |
コンビニ |
convenience store |
naka |
なか |
中 |
inside |
+soto |
そと |
外 |
outside |
+mae |
まえ |
前 |
front |
+ushiro |
うしろ |
後ろ |
back, rear |
+migi |
みぎ |
右 |
right |
+hidari |
ひだり |
左 |
left |
+ue |
うえ |
上 |
top, up |
+shita |
した |
下 |
bottom, under, underside |
+jihanki |
じはんき |
自販機 |
vending machine |
+ginkou |
ぎんこう |
銀行 |
bank |
+byouin |
びょういん |
病院 |
hospital |
+kissaten |
きっさてん |
喫茶店 |
coffee shop |
+yakkyoku |
やっきょく |
薬局 |
drug store |
+resutoran |
レストラン |
restaurant |
Grammar Notes
5-2-1 Location Nouns
A number of location words (all nouns) come up in this lesson, including the ko- so-a-do series along with naka, soto, mae, ushiro, migi, hidari, ue and shita. Recall that /X no Y/ is a kind of Y and the last noun is the main noun of the noun phrase. Be sure to distinguish between the following:
mae no biruthe building in front
biru no maethe front of the building, in front of the building
These words are unlike other nouns also in that they combine with degree expressions.
sukoshi migia little to the right
motto maemore to the front
Drills and Exercises 
- Cue: ビルの中ですか。Is it inside the building?
Response: いえ、ビルの中じゃないです。外です。
No, it’s not inside the building. It’s outside.
びょういん まえ
Cue: 病 院の前ですか。Is it in front of the hospital?
Response: いえ、病 院の前じゃないです。 後 ろです。
No, it’s not in front of the hospital. It’s in back.
Cue: どのコンビニが近いですか。 Which convenience store is close?
The closest convenience store is that over there.
Cue: どの銀行が、大きいですか。 Which bank is big?
Response: 一番大きい銀行は、あれです。 The biggest bank is that over there.
にほん まんが
Cue: 日本の漫画ありませんか。 Don’t you have any Japanese comics?
Response: 日本のですか。はい、あちらにありますよ。
Japanese ones? Yes, there are some over there!
Cue: 先輩のケータイありませんか。 Don’t you have senpai’s cell phone?
Response: 先輩のですか。はい、あちらにありますよ。 Senpai’s?
Yes, it’s right over there!
Say it in Japanese.
You’ve been asked if there is a vending machine around here.
- Yes, they are everywhere.
- Yes, there are many outside of this building.
- Yes, there is one in front of that drug store. Look!
- Yes, they are to the right of the entrance.
- No, there are none in this building. The closest one is in the convenience store next to the hospital.
Act in Japanese
- Stop a stranger and: a) ask if there is an ATM in this area; b) ask for directions to the University Hospital.
- Ask a co-worker who the man sitting behind Ms. Hayashi is.
- Suggest that your group hold a meeting in the coffee shop downstairs.
- You just saw a vending machine for food like ramen, udon, etc. Point it out to Ms. Honda and share your amazement.
- At a movie theater, you’ve been asked if you want to sit elsewhere. You’d like to sit: a) further in the back, b) more to the left, c) upstairs.