Lesson 7.3
会話 Dialogue 3 
らいしゅう ともりょこう
Michael:来 週、友だちと旅行します。Raishuu tomodachi to ryokou-shimasu.
I’ll be traveling with a friend next week.
Tanaka:どちらへ?Dochira e? Where to?
きょうとい じんじゃ てらまわ
Kyouto ni itte, jinja ya otera o mawarimas
We’ll go to Kyoto and visit around shrines, temples, etc.
Tanaka:そう?いいわねえ。Sou? Ii wa nee.
Really? Good for you. (I envy you)
Michael:お土産、買ってきますよ。Omiyage, katte kimasu yo.
We’ll bring back a souvenir for you!
単語 Vocabulary
Romanized Japanese |
Hiragana |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
raishuu |
らいしゅう |
来週 |
next week |
+konshuu |
こんしゅう |
今週 |
this week |
+senshuu |
せんしゅう |
先週 |
last week |
to |
と |
with |
tomodachi to |
ともだちと |
友達と |
with a friend |
ryokou |
りょこう |
旅行 |
trip |
+shucchou |
しゅっちょう |
出張 |
business trip |
dochira e |
どちらへ |
where to? |
jinja |
じんじゃ |
神社 |
(Shinto) shrine |
otera |
おてら |
お寺 |
(Buddhist) temple |
+kyoukai |
きょうかい |
教会 |
church |
+oshiro |
おしろ |
お城 |
castle |
mawarimasu |
まわります |
回ります |
go around |
X をまわります |
take a tour of X |
katte |
かって |
買って |
buy (te-form) |
katte kimasu |
かってきます |
買ってきます |
go and buy, buy and come back |
文法 Grammar Notes
7-3-1 Verb ~te Form
Every verb ends in ~masu/mashita and their negative forms ~masen/~masen deshita. In this lesson we introduce another form, the ~te form. This form has many uses including for making requests and for linking sentences in chronological order.
- To make an informal style request, just use the ~て form. To make a formal style request, add kudasai.
見てください。Mite kudasai.Please look.
ちょっと手伝ってください。Chotto tetsudatte kudasai. Please give me a hand.
- To combine two or more sentences into one, change each verb to a 〜て form except for the final verb.
きょうと いてら み
京都に行きます。お寺を見ます。Kyouto ni ikimasu. Otera o mimasu.
I’ll go to Kyoto. I’ll see temples.
→京都に行って、お寺を見ます。Kyouto ni itte, otera o mimasu.
I’ll go to Kyoto and see temples.
It may sound repetitive and immature if more than three sentences are combined in this manner.
How do you make the ~te form of a verb? The conversion rules will be explained in later lessons. For now, memorize the ~te forms of the verbs that have been introduced so far.
Type 1: ~te(tabete, mite, kite, shite, dekite, dete, hanashite, norikaete, orite, ) Type 2: ~tte(ikimasu-itte, kaimasu-katte, tsukaimasu-tsukatte, norimasu-notte,
arimasu-atte,aimasu-atte, wakarimasu-wakatte, kaerimasu-kaette, tsukurimasu-tsukutte, tsukaimasu-tsukatte, hashirimasu-hashitte, )
Type 3: ~ite(kakimasu-kaite, kikimasu-kiite, tsukimasu-tsuite, arukimasu-aruite)
Type 4: ~ide(isogimasu-isoide)
Type 5: ~nde (nomimasu-nonde, yomimasu-yonde)
7-3-2 Verb ~te form + motion verbs
We say itte kimasu when we leave home in the morning or leave the office for a meeting. It literally means ‘I’ll go and come back.’ Similarly, Koohii, katte kimasu means ‘I’ll buy coffee and come back.’
When a ~te form is combined with the kimasu, it has the same meaning as the English phrase ‘go (and) do something.’ In English the going is mentioned and the coming back is assumed. On the other hand, in Japanese the going is assumed and the coming back is mentioned:
昼ご飯食べてきます。Hirugohan Tabete kimasu. I’ll go and have lunch.
ちょっと見てきます。Chotto mite kimasu.I’ll just go (and) take a look.
In this pattern, the two activities are seen as one sequence, and the negative form negates usually the first activity, not the last. Note the following.
おみやげ、買ってきませんでした.Omiyageu katte kimasen deshita.
I (went there) but didn’t buy gifts. (I forgot to buy gifts.)
宿 題してきませんでした.Shukudai shite kimasen desita.
I didn’t do my homework before I came.
A ~te form can be combined with other verbs of motion such as ikimasu and
kaerimasu as well. Compare the following.
買ってきます。Katte kimasuI’ll go and buy it (and come back).
買って行きます。Katte ikimasu.I’ll buy it and go.
7-3-3 Particle To indicating accompaniment ‘with’
We learned earlier that the particle to connects nouns.
きょうとあした kyou to ashita Today and tomorrow
In this lesson, we introduce the particle と meaning ‘with.’ It connects the preceding noun to the verb.
友達と京都へ行きます。Tomocachi to Kyouto e ikimasu.
I’m going to Kyoto with a friend.
せんせい はな
先生と話しました。Sensei to hanashimashita. I talked with a teacher.
Drills and Exercises 
Listen to the audio. Following the first two model exchanges, respond to each cue.
Cue: 見ましょうか。Shall I look at it?
Response: はい、見てください。Yes, please look at it.
Cue: 手伝いましょうか。Shall I help?
Response: はい、手伝ってください。Yes, please help.
Cue: 買いますか.Will you buy it?
Response: はい、ちょっと買ってきます。Yes, I’ll just go and buy it.
Cue: 聞きますか。Will you ask?
Response: はい、ちょっと聞いてきます。Yes, I’ll just go and ask.
Say it in Japanese.
You’ve been asked where you are going.
- I’m going to a hot spring with friends.
- I’m going to Hokkaido and ski.
- I’m going to Osaka and see the castle, temples, etc.
- I’m going back home and see my old friends.
- I’m going to Tokyo University and study history.
Make the following requests to a) a colleague b) a friend:
- Please email me.
- Please come 15 minutes early tomorrow.
- Please write this in Japanese.
- Please speak slowly.
- Please go and buy some coffee for me.
Act in Japanese.
- You see a neighbor dressed up to go out. Ask where she is going?
- Let Ms. Honda know that you are taking a trip to Okinawa with friends in May and invite her to come as well.
- Comment that there are temples and shrines everywhere in Japan. Ask which one is the oldest.
- You and a co-worker are visiting a customer’s office in Kyoto. Suggest that a) you call them first and then go, b) go and buy famous gifts from Kyoto for your staff.
- Describe what you did over the weekend. Sequence activities. Describe how they were.