Lesson 5 Review
Grammar Review
- What is the difference between arimasu, imasu, gozaimasu and irasshaimasu?
- What is the difference among koko, kochira and kocchi?
- What particle is most appropriate in each of the following blanks?
You are looking for your cell phone. Watashi no keetai soko arimasu ka?
You wonder where the meeting will be held. Kaigi wa doko arimasu ka?
- What is the difference in meaning between the following?
Takai desu.
Takai deshou.
Takai deshou ka.
- How do you count sheets of paper? Books? Cookies? Meetings?
- What two classifiers are used to count times/occasions?
- What is the difference in meaning between the following:
San-gai ni arimasu yo.
San-gai arimasu yo.
- How do you make the past form of a verb? The negative form?
- How do you make the honorific form of a verb?
- When do you use the honorific forms?
- Both motto and mou mean ‘more’ in English. What follows each?
- What is the difference between the following?
tonari no mise
mise no tonari
- What does “Deshou?’ mean?
- How do you ask which of the two is better? Which of the three (or more) is best?
Practical Application
- Using a map of a shopping mall, discuss the locations and number of stores eating places, entrances, bathrooms, elevators, information desks, etc.
- Plan where you are going to shop and eat.
- Afterwards, discuss where you went and what you bought and ate.
Sample Homework/Quiz
For each of the following exchanges, identify the item under discussion and its location in English.
Item |
Location |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
- What is the difference in meaning between the following?
mae no mise mise no mae
- What is the honorific form of each verb below?
shimasu tsukaimasu
- What is the difference in meaning between the following?
Takai desu.
Takai deshou.
- What is the difference between the following?
- Fill in the blanks with Hiragana or Romanization.
- You’ve been asked where your company offices are.
Amerika Nihon arimasu yo.
- You are wondering where the class will be held.
Jugyou wa doko arimasu ka?
- You want two more onigiri.
Sumimasen. Onigiri mou ni-ko kudasai.
- A co-worker is looking for her book. Let her know where it might be.
Tsukue ue arimasen ka?
- You cannot decide which one to buy. Ask a co-worker.
Kore to are to, dochira ii deshou ka.
- You’ve been asked if your company has stores in France and Germany.
Furansu arimasu kedo, doitsu arimasen.
Circle the letter of the items that can occur in the blank to make a complete sentence. None, some, or all choices may be correct. For each choice checked as appropriate, provide an English equivalent of the entire sentence.
______ arimasen.
- Kouen ja
- Byouin wa
- Mise mo
- Migi ni mo
- Kono hen ni wa
Omiyage o _____.
- meshiagarimasu ka.
- goran ni narimasu ka.
- irasshaimasu ka.
- gozaimasu.
______ wa ichi-mai dake desu.
- Kasa
- Keitai
- Chizu
Circle the number of the most appropriate response in the given context.
You are visiting Ms. Honda’s office. Ask the receptionist where she is.
- Dochira no Honda-san desu ka?
- Honda-san wa doko desu ka?
- Honda-san wa dochira deshou ka?
- Doko ni Honda-san wa imasu ka?
Ask the waiter to speak more slowly.
- Mou–ichi-do onegai-shimasu.
- Motto yukkuri kudasai.
- Yukkuri shimashou ka.
- Motto yukkuri onegai-shimasu.
A customer has asked if you have only blue ones. Let him know that you have white ones as well.
- Shiro no desu yo.
- Shiroi no mo gozaimasu kedo…
- Aoi no ni mo gozaimasu yo.
- Kuro no mo arimasu kedo…
The elevator door has opened. Check if it’s going down.
- Nan-kai desu ka?
- Shita desu ne?
- Ue desu ne?
- Hora, shita desu yo.
Ask a co-worker who is the person sitting next to Mr. Hayashi.
- Tonari-no Hayashi-san wa donata desu ka.
- Hayashi-san wa tonari no hito desu ka.
- Tonari no hito wa Hayashi-san desu ka.
- Hayashi-san no tonarino hito wa donate desu ka.