Lesson 6.4
会話 Dialogue 4 
At the theater
Michael: Girigiri deshita kedo,We were close, but
maniaimashita ne.we made it in time, didn’t we!
ま あ
Honda: Ee, hotto shimashita.Yes, What a relief!
After the movie
Michael: Saikou deshita ne!That was the best.
Honda: Ee, omoshirokatta desu ne.Yes, it was interesting, wasn’t it?
単語 Vocabulary
Romanized Japanese |
Hiragana |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
ma ni aimasu |
まにあいます |
間に合います |
be in/on time |
+okuremasu |
おくれます |
遅れます |
be late |
hotto-shimasu |
ほっとします |
be relieved |
+dokidoki-shimasu |
どきどきします |
be nervous, afraid, surprised |
dokidoki |
どきどき |
ドキドキ |
the sound of a heartbeat |
+gakkari-shimasu |
がっかりします |
disappointed |
girigiri |
ぎりぎり |
just barely, just in time |
saikou |
さいこう |
最高 |
great, the highest, the best |
+imaichi |
いまいち |
今一 |
not quite, not very good |
omoshiroi |
おもしろい |
interesting |
omoshirokatta |
おもしろかった |
was interesting |
+tsumaranai |
つまらない |
boring, tiresome |
+subarashii |
すばらしい |
wonderful, outstanding |
+kowai |
こわい |
scary |
+tanoshii |
たのしい |
楽しい |
fun, enjoyable |
+kanashii |
かなしい |
悲しい |
sad |
+waraimasu |
わらいます |
笑います |
laugh, smile |
+nakimasu |
なきます |
泣きます |
cry |
文法 Grammar Notes
6-4-1 Onomatopoeia
Hotto, girigiri, dokidoki and gakkari are examples of Japanese onomatopoeia ( オノマトペ). Onomatopoeia are abundant in Japanese, as you can see on the pages of comic books, but we limit our selection here to those that are commonly used to express emotions. Many Japanese onomatopoeia consist of four syllables with the first two syllables repeated twice, like dokidoki, and you find them in either hiragana or katakana. Usually shimasu or desu follow them.
ドキドキしました。Dokidoki shimashita. I got nervous/ thrilled.
ドキドキでした。Dokidoki deshita.I was nervous/thrilled.
ぎりぎり girigiri means being close to the limit or barely making the set goal.
バスに、ギリギリ間に合いました.Basu ni girigiri maniaimashita.
I barely caught the bus.
試験ぎりぎりまで勉 強しました.Shiken girigiri made benkyou-shimashita.
I studied up to the last minute before the exam.
Onomatopoeia オノマトペ
Romanized Japanese |
Japanese script |
English |
perapera |
ペラペラです |
fluent |
iraira-shimasu |
イライラします |
irritated, impatient |
harahara-shimasu |
ハラハラします |
anxious about how things are going to turn out, apprehensive |
mukamuka-shimasu |
ムカムカします |
have a surge of anger, feel sick, queasy |
nikoniko-shimasu |
ニコニコします |
smile happily |
kuyokuyo-shimasu |
クヨクヨします |
worry about a trivial matter, mope, brood |
Drills and Exercises 
つうがく でんしゃ
Cue: 通学は、電車ですか。Do you commute by train?
Response: 前は、電車でしたけど、今は電車じゃないです。
It was by train before, but now it’s not.
Cue: あのレストランは、おいしいですか。Is that restaurant good?
Response: 前は、おいしかったですけど、今はおいしくないです。
It was good before, but now it’s not.
Cue: おいしかったですか。Was it delicious?
Response: いえ、おいしくなかったですよ。No, it wasn’t delicious.
に ほ ん ご
Cue: 日本語でしたか。Was it Japanese?
に ほ ん ご
Response: いえ、日本語じゃなかったですよ。No, it wasn’t Japanese.
* Repeat this drill replacing nakatta desu with arimasen deshita.
Say it in Japanese.
You’ve been asked about the movie you saw.
- It was the best. I’ll see it one more time tomorrow.
- It was sad. I cried a lot.
- It was scary. My heart was pounding, so I did not watch the whole thing.
- It was not very good. It was a bit boring, although the hero was really cool.
- It was wonderful. I laughed a lot. I like fun movies.
You admire Ms. Hayashi. Explain that:
- she never gets irritated
- she never worries about trivial matters
- she is the best Senpai
- she is never late for work
Act in Japanese
- Ask a co-worker how she enjoyed the following items: a) the French movie b) the hot spring in Kyushu, c) the beaches/ocean in Okinawa, d) the fastest bullet train.
- You’ve just passed an exam. Express a) how relieved you are, b) how nervous you were, c) how you barely passed it, d) how disappointed you are because your math was not quite good.
- You’ve been asked how the conference was. Express your disappointment, explain that you were late for the 9:00 o’clock presentation, although you made the 10:00 o’clock one.
- Describe a) the kind of movie you like, b) the kind of person you admire, c) the kind of person you are.