Lesson 5.4
会話 Dialogue 4 
In a gift shop
Emily: Omiyage o kaimashita.I bought souvenirs.
みやげ か
Yamada: Waa, kawaii desu nee.Wow, cute!
Emily: Deshou?Aren’t they?
Yamada: Akai no wa kore dake desu ka.Is this all of the red ones?
Emily: Ie, mou ik-ko arimasu yo. Hora.No, there’s one more! Look.
単語 Vocabulary
Romanized Japanese |
Hiragana |
Other Japanese scripts |
English |
omiyage |
おみやげ |
お土産 |
souvenir |
kawaii |
かわいい |
cute |
deshou |
でしょう? |
Don’t you think? |
akai |
あかい |
赤い |
red |
akai no |
あかいの |
赤いの |
red one(s) |
dake |
だけ |
only, just |
~ko |
〜こ |
個 |
classifier for small objects or pieces |
ik-ko |
いっこ |
一個 |
one piece, one item |
mou ik-ko |
もういっこ |
もう一個 |
one more |
+kakko ii |
かっこいい |
good-looking, stylish, cool |
+aoi |
あおい |
青い |
blue |
+kiiroi |
きいろい |
黄色い |
yellow |
+shiroi |
しろい |
白い |
white |
+kuroi |
くろい |
黒い |
black |
+iro |
いろ |
色 |
color |
+nani iro |
なにいろ |
何色 |
what color? |
Colors iro いろ色
Romanized Japanese |
Hiragana |
Kanji |
English |
aka |
あか |
赤 |
red |
ao |
あお |
青 |
blue |
kiiro |
きいろ |
黄色 |
yellow |
shiro |
しろ |
白 |
white |
kuro |
くろ |
黒 |
black |
chairo (chairoi) |
ちゃいろ(ちゃいろい) |
茶色 |
brown |
midori |
みどり |
緑 |
green |
murasaki |
むらさき |
紫 |
purple |
haiiro |
はいいろ |
灰色 |
gray |
kon iro |
こんいろ |
紺色 |
navy, indigo |
orenji |
オレンジ |
orange |
pinku |
ピンク |
pink |
nani iro |
な |
何色 |
what color? |
Grammar Notes
5-4-1 More classifiers : 〜個,〜枚,〜冊
The classifier –ko is used for counting pieces or other units that are relatively small—everything from pieces of cake to apples to packets of sugar. The classifier –ko overlaps in many respects with –tsu. One difference is that –tsu can be used for abstract things like ideas, meetings, or items in a list, while –ko is used only for concrete items. Observe the following examples:
にこ ふた
りんご二個さとうい ちこ ringo ni-ko or りんご二つ ringo futa-tsu two apples
お砂糖一個 osatou ik-ko or お砂糖一つ osatou hito-tsu one packet/cube of sugar
かいぎ ふた
会議が二つありました。Kaigi ga futa-tsu arimasita. There were two meeting.
The classifier for thin, flat objects is 〜枚 –mai and the classifier for bound volumes is –
〜冊–satsu. Note the sound changes with one, eight, and the question word.
pieces |
Flat objects |
Bound volumes |
1 |
ik-ko |
ichi-mai |
is-satsu |
2 |
ni-ko |
ni-mai |
ni-satsu |
3 |
san-ko |
san-mai |
san-satsu |
4 |
yon-ko |
yon-mai |
yon-satsu |
5 |
go-ko |
go-mai |
go-satsu |
6 |
rok-ko |
roku-mai |
roku-satsu |
7 |
nana-ko |
nana-mai |
nana-satsu |
8 |
hachi-ko or hak-ko |
hachi-mai |
has-satsu |
9 |
kyuu-ko |
kyuu-mai |
kyuu-satsu |
10 |
juk-ko |
juk-mai |
jus-satsu |
? |
nan-ko |
nan-mai |
nan-satsu |
5-4-2 Colors Nouns and Adjectives
Some of the colors have both an adjective and a noun form, as shown in the list above. Thus it is possible to say both aka desu and akai desu to mean ‘It’s red.’ Equally the negative forms are aka ja nai desu and akaku nai desu. Which one to use largely depends on the convention, while you can probably assume the noun versions indicate classification rather than appearance or characteristics (aka for red wines and the red light, for example.)All the color words borrowed from other languages are nouns, and modify nouns with no:
Japanese script |
Romanized Japanese |
English |
ブルーのバッグ |
buruu no baggu |
blue bag |
かみ オレンジの紙 |
orenji no kami |
orange paper |
Drills and Exercises 
Listen to the audio. Following the first two model exchanges, respond to each cue.
Cue: おみやげ、買いましたか。Did you buy souvenirs?
ともだち かわたしか
Response: 友達は買いましたけど、 私 は買いませんでした。
My friend bought some, but I didn’t buy any.
Cue: パワーポイント、使いましたか。 Did you use PowerPoint?
Response: 友達は使いましたけど、 私 は使いませんでした。
My friend used it, but I didn’t.
Cue: 紙はこれだけですか。Is this all the paper there is?
Response: いえ、もう一枚あります。 No, there’s one more sheet.
Cue: 教科書 はこれだけですか。Is this all the textbooks there are?
Response: いえ、もう一册あります。 No, there’s one more.
Cue: 赤いですね。Is it red?
Response: いえ、赤くないです。No, it’s not.
Cue: 赤ですね。Is it red?
Response: いえ、赤じゃないです。No, it’s not.
Say it in Japanese.
Your co-worker asked what you did last weekend. Reply:
- I stayed in my apartment because I had a lot of homework.
- I studied in the library. The senpai was there, too.
- I went out, but came home early.
- I practiced Japanese, of course, because there is a test tomorrow.
- I read three books. I will read one more today. I love books, so….
Ask a co-worker for:
- one more sheet of blue paper
- two more maps in English and one more in Japanese
- more pencils
- ten obento and five bottles of water
- a lot more pens, pencils, etc.
Act in Japanese.
- A friend is trying on new clothes. Mention a) how cute they are, b) how cool he looks, c) how amazing he looks.
- Ask a clerk if this is the only a) red one, b) blue one, c) one in black and white.
- You’ve been asked to deliver the following items. Confirm how many of them are needed. a) pencils, b) onigiri, c) bottles of water, d) the new textbooks, e) umbrellas, d) chairs, f) maps of Tokyo, g) slices of bread, h) Danish
- Ask a classmate what her favorite color is.
- You and a friend have been debating over an issue, and the friend finally admits you are right. Respond.