- Print each reading passage and corresponding questions on different sides of a double-sided page.
- Introduce the activity to students as follows:
- The focus of this activity is to increase reading speed. Accuracy in answering questions is not the main consideration. Aim for the fastest time with approximately 70 percent accuracy.
- While reading, don’t mouth the words because this will make you read more slowly.
- Don’t write on the paper because the readings will be collected and reused.
- When answering questions, don’t turn back and look at the passage.
- Distribute the progress graph and the answer key for recording the reading time, the number of the reading passage, and for checking answers to comprehension questions.
- Explain: When you finish reading the passage, look up, note the time, and write an X beside the corresponding time on the progress graph. When you finish answering the questions, check your answers, then record your score on the graph.
- Write the times on the board and cross them off every 10 seconds so students can mark their time.