
3 University Library’s Commitment to Open Access Scholarly Publishing

Jill Emery

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The University Library’s commitment to open access scholarly publishing is driven by our overall Mission and Vision: To lead the intellectual vitality, knowledge development, and creativity of the Portland State University community and  place ourselves at the center of intellectual inquiry at Portland State University. Our areas of focus include developing and supporting relevant collections and resources, promoting and leveraging ongoing initiatives, and identifying and implementing services to support our communities. The PSU Library’s  General Collection Values highlight our dedication to advancing excellence in teaching and research, through our being led by local scholars, user focused, and mission driven. We do this work by reinforcing our commitment to collect and support faculty and student publications, by prioritizing accessibility, racial equity, and inclusion, through supporting content with the least amount of contractual restrictions, and by supporting open access as much as possible which provides ready access to resources for future, current, and past scholars.

Given our mission and values, members of University Library currently support open access initiatives from academic societies, community driven initiatives, small academic presses, and university presses.

Pyramid image showing aspects needed to achieve open scholarship
Pyramid Image of the attributes that lead to OA Culture Change from Center for Open Science. Policy (Make it required) at the top followed by Incentives (Make it rewarding), Communities (Make it normative), User Interface/Experience (Make it easy), and Infrastructure (Make it possible) as the base.

Ultimately, in order for there to be a culture change in any organization towards open scholarship and open science, the right attributes need to be in place. At Portland State, our faculty senate policy allows for immediate deposit of an author’s final version prior to publication into our  institutional repository, PDXScholar. The University Library is attempting to offer incentives through our APC fund and through agreements that allow for publication with no additional charges to authors. However, we still have a ways to go before there is a culture of open access practice at Portland State and we make it as easy and readily possible for authors to publish scholarship openly.

Below is a visual presentation we’ve adopted from librarians at Utrecht University depicting the choices available to Portland State University authors regarding open access publishing.

publishing open access: author choices
type self publishing using web standards preprint APC-based full OA journals (gold) non-APC-based full OA journals (diamond) APC-based hybrid journals (gold) self archiving (green)
article level green? green gold diamond gold green
journal level not applicable not applicable gold diamond hybrid not applicable
who? author author publisher publisher publisher author
where? web: http URI preprint archives ~5K APC-based open access journals ~11K diamond open access journals almost all subscription journals institutional or subject repository
when? at any stage before/around submission to journal simultaneous with publication simultaneous with publication simultaneous with publication upon acceptance, but often embargo
cost for author? almost zero none 1-5500 USD none ~1000-11000 USD none
fulfill funder req.? mostly not mostly not always always always, but discussed now often, but often not if embargoed
funding personal not applicable sometimes funder or institutional OA-fund institutional subscription/membership sometimes funder / included in big deals not applicable
license/copyright any, copyright retained choose CC-license, copyright retained choose CC-license, often keep copyright choose CC-license, often keep copyright often CC in exclusive license for publisher publisher determined license or no license
Public Domain Mark Created by Jeroen Bosman & Bianca Kramer, last modified 20210301