9 Open Access Book Publishing Opportunities
Jill Emery

The University Library supports Open Book Publishers a non-profit entity that allows faculty to download various electronic formats of scholarly books and adapt them as needed for their courses. Through our membership, Portland State University faculty authors can propose books for publication as a stand alone title or through one of the book series offered. All books are fully peer reviewed, typeset, and formatted for publication both online and in print. If a faculty member adopts any of these texts for use in their classes, we can automatically add that text into our local institutional repository, PDXScholar. Through the library membership, print versions are made available at a discounted cost and both the online and print books meet current accessibility standards.
Advantages for Authors
Open Access makes your work available more quickly, to more readers, resulting in much greater exposure for your research. Our books are accessed tens of thousands of times each month by readers all over the world.
At OBP we are passionate about harnessing new technologies to make the best academic research available to all in Open Access formats. We offer authors:
- Reduced time between submission and publication.
- Rigorous and constructive peer-review process.
- Flexibility to include supplementary material online and to update the book after publication.
- Full copyright ownership, a selection of Creative Commons licences and the freedom to re-use their work.
- Tailored editorial and production services.
- Recognition in research appraisals.
- Wide international readership.
- World-wide print and ebook distribution.
Our books are regularly reviewed in top journals and awarded book prizes, and have been submitted to the UK REF assessment exercise. We provide a genuine alternative to legacy publishing without sacrificing quality.
We also collaborate with academic institutions and research centres to create one-off publications or to develop whole series. Our model offers societies and research institutions a flexible and affordable way of publishing, with the opportunity to include online multi-media content. We are currently partnering with organisations such as the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute and New York University.