1 General Physical Collections Overview
Millar Library is a five story building with a basement. Our physical collections are arranged by the Library of Congress classification system. The beginning of the classification system begins in the basement and continues up to the fifth floor. We provide floor maps for your convenience in finding resources and spaces within the library.
Primo, the library catalog, shows locations of where material is located.
Over a third of the University Library’s physical collection is located offsite in a remote storage warehouse. This location is readily identifiable in Primo by the word: Offsite and then the call number. Material can be requested from storage and library workers retrieve items weekly. The request button is available on any given Library catalog record once you login in with your ODIN account.
The University Library is a member of the Orbis Cascade Alliance consortium serving academic libraries in the Pacific Northwest. There are 36 participating libraries including Lewis & Clark University, Oregon State University, Reed College, University of Idaho, University of Oregon, University of Portland, and the University of Washington to name a few. Through our participation, we save money on shared content negotiations and are able to provide expanded access to many electronic resources, especially ebooks.
The University Library has resource sharing agreements that allow faculty, students, and staff the ability to borrow physical material from the majority of these libraries. There is a request button available in the catalog record to request titles to be borrowed. The material is sent from the library where it was requested and can be picked up at the PSU Library circulation desk or delivered to you.
The University Library can also loan articles, book chapters, and books from other academic libraries in the nation and internationally through interlibrary lending (ILL). You can learn more about ILL.
Lastly, the University Library is a member of the Western Storage Trust (WEST), a distributed retrospective print journal repository program serving research libraries, college and university libraries, and library consortia in the Western Region of the United States. Through this program, we are able to provide document and interlibrary lending to millions of journal articles held by member libraries.
To order physical material needed for instruction or research, contact your subject liaison or fill out the suggest a purchase form.
All material can be put on course reserves by using the course reserves request form.