
Appendix: Glossary of Terminology

Abstract & Indexing Databases: databases that provides bibliographic information and only linking to fulltext content. Examples are:  America: History & Life, Inspec, PsycInfo


Aggregator Databases: databases of fulltext content from multiple different content producers. Examples are: Academic Search Premier,  Directory of Open Access Journals, E-Book Central Academic Complete from Proquest


APCs:  Article Processing Charges are the amount a publisher charges for the publication of a single article in their journal as open access content. Can be used for both fully open access content journals such as PLoS ONE (Public Library of Science) and for hybrid journals that are also part of a subscription package or individual subscription.


Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAM): Version of scholarship (journal article or book chapter or book) that has been through peer review but not fully typeset or formatted for publication in any given journal or book.


DDA/PDA: Demand driven acquisitions or patron driven acquisitions is a practice of purchasing (usually with ebooks or streaming media) where an organization commits to a ballpark amount of money which includes short-term access costs  and loads a large selection of records into their local discovery or library management system and given the “triggering by patrons clicking on access” or usage of titles, the most used titles are to be retained either on the annual schedule set by the provider or permanently if possible.


DRM: Digital Right Management which are controls put in place by publishers to limit  access to content (user limits of ebooks for example).


EBA/EBP: Evidence based acquisitions or evidence based purchasing is when an organization commits to a pre-set specific spend amount of money and loads a selection of records into their local discovery or library management system and given the usage of titles, then selects titles to be retained permanently.


Entitlements: The titles licensed for access along with years of access provided from any given provider.


Embargo: The time period that scholarly content must be kept in a closed access system or behind a paywall before being made more readily available.


Gold Open Access: Scholarly content that is made open access and viewable in the same way as it would be if behind a publication paywall.


Green Open Access: A pre-print (prior to peer-review) or post-print (after peer-review) version of scholarly content that does not have the formatting and final type-setting on the final published version. Usually found in repositories and open archives of scholarship.


Historic Content Databases: databases comprised of material from historic collections and archives such as: American West, Early American Imprints, and Making of the Modern World.


Hosting Platform: Society publishers, academic content providers, scholarly publishers, and independent publishers use hosting platforms for their content. These can be open-source platforms or commercial platforms. Be Press’ digital commons is a content hosting platform. Other well known hosting platforms include: Atypon, Folio, Highwire, Ingenta, Janeway, JSTOR, Open Journal systems, OSF Preprints, Project Euclid, Samvera, SciELO, sheridan PubFactory, Silverchair, and Ubiquity Press.


Hybrid Journals: Subscription journals mostly published by commercial scholarly publishers that also allow authors to pay to have their single article available open access.


IP Ranges/IP Access: Internet Protocol ranges which allow access to electronic resources without entering individual usernames & passwords. This allows for access from our computing network. Our range is: 131.252.*.*


KB: Knowledge bases are an extensive databases maintained by a given developer that contains information about electronic resources such as title lists, coverage dates, inbound linking syntax, etc.


KBART: Knowledge bases and related tools is a NISO recommended practice  for the communication of electronic resource title list and coverage data from content providers to knowledge base (KB) developers.


Licenses/Licensing: The contracts signed by libraries to provide access to content online.


Linkresolvers: The mechanisms by which end-users are associated with the online content they should have access to.


LMS: Learning Management Systems that are usually provided by third party producers such as Blackboard, Canvas, Desire2Learn (D2L), Google Sites, Moodle, Sakai, etc.


Non-Linear Lending: purchasing mechanism used with ebooks primarily from ProQuest that allows for a set limited usage in a given year: 325 downloads as opposed to unlimited usage/access.


Offsetting: Offsetting is a practice to use big deal subscription spending by consortia and large libraries to support open access publishing at their institution. Credits or discounts on APCs are given related to the subscription spending in place.


OpenURL: standard description format used to link content to end-users within most libraries

Platinum Open Access: Open Access content does not have any charge to the end-user and is either hosted on an academic platform or is supported through memberships by libraries.


PO, POL, PO#,  or Purchase Order: The record in ALMA showing what has been purchased and any notes regarding the order placed.


Pre-Print Servers/services/archives: Subject repositories that provide open access to scholarly content that may or may not be the version of record.


Provider: a company, academic institution or scholarly platform that compiles content from other places to provide subject, topic, or contextual access to scholarly content. Examples are: Adam Matthews, BioOne, EBSCO, Gale, ProjectMuse, ProQuest, etc.


Publisher: a company, academic institution, or society that produces scholarly content on a regular basis. Examples are: Annual Reviews, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Sage, Springer/Nature, Wiley, etc.


Publisher Packages: Sets of online journal content or ebook content that librarians can purchase. These can be complete collection of all the titles like the Cambridge University Press journals, EBook Central Academic Complete  or the University of Chicago Journals or else selected title packages like Business Expert Press, Emerald Journals, or the Springer/Nature Journals.


Read and Publish: An approach to open access publishing in which an institution pays a set annual fee to cover all APCs for articles by contributing authors from that institution, in all of the specific publisher’s open access journals.


Simultaneous User-Limited/User-Limits: Resources are sometimes purchased with user limitations in place as a way to reduce costs by limiting the number of folks who have access to the content.


Subject Packages: Packages that are defined by specific subjects or topics. Examples are: American Chemical Society Journals, or the Behavioral Sciences Ebooks from Springer.


UN/P: Shorthand for username password, the standard access method in the online environment.


Version of Record: The definitive published version of an article, usually containing additional functionality from within a publisher platform.


VLE:  Virtual Learning Environments that are usually provided by third party producers such as Blackboard, Canvas, Desire2Learn (D2L), Google Sites, Moodle, Sakai, etc.


VPN: Virtual Private Networks are frameworks to provide authentication on the open world-wide web in a way that remains private and more secure.