
9 Talking About Daily Activities and Routines with Verbs

Chapter Objectives

In this chapter you will learn how to:

  • Conjugate regular -ar verbs in order to talk about the daily activities and routines that you and others do

Think about how you describe, in English, one daily routine that you and others have: waking up:

I wake up at 6:00 a.m.
You wake up at 6:00 a.m.
Fred wakes up at 6:30 a.m.
Amy and I wake up at 7:00 a.m.
Carlos and Ana wake up at 6:45 a.m.

How many different ways are there to conjugate the present tense in English?

Just two! wake and wakes.

In Spanish, as well as many other languages, verb conjugations are much more varied and robust. At first it can seem intimidating, but there is a pattern to it, and with practice you can train your brain to internalize that pattern so that you can conjugate effortlessly. In Spanish, all verbs end in -ar-er and -ir. We form the conjugation by removing the -ar-er, and -ir endings, and adding the ending based on the subject of the verb. In this chapter we will start with regular verbs ending in -ar. View the following presentation to learn the conjugation patterns, then practice with the conjugation exercises on the third slide.

Tarea Escrita 9.1

Complete the following exercises and screenshot your completed work to submit to your instructor as evidence.

Tarea Escrita/Oral 9.2

Using the list of regular -ar verbs below, write five original sentences about your own routines. State the activity you do and when you do it. Follow the examples below the verb table. Then do an audio recording of you saying your sentences out loud. Submit both the written and recorded sentences to your instructor as evidence.

bailar to dance
buscar to look for
caminar to walk
cantar to sing
comprar to buy
contestar to answer
conversar to chat
desayunar to have breakfast
descansar to rest
dibujar to draw
enseñar to teach
estudiar to study
hablar to talk; to speak
llegar to arrive
llevar to take (to carry/transport)
mirar to look (at); to watch
practicar to practice
preguntar to ask (a question)
preparar to prepare
regresar to return
terminar to end; to finish
tomar to take; to drink
trabajar to work
viajar travel


  1. Enseño español los martes y jueves.
  2. Descanso los domingos.
  3. Regreso a mi casa a las cinco de la tarde los martes.
  4. Trabajo todos los días.
  5. Normalmente viajo en diciembre.

More conjugation practice





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