
10 Routines, Activities, and Making Appointments

Chapter Objectives

In this chapter you will learn how to:

  • Use the verb hacer
  • Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs
  • Conjugate common irregular verbs in the present tense
  • Make appointments using the verb poder + infinitive verb

El verbo HACER

Learn the conjugation of the verb hacer.

Regular Present Tense Verbs (-ar, -er, -ir)

Review the conjugation of -ar verbs and learn the conjugation of -er and -ir verbs. Complete the interactive exercises throughout the presentation.

Common Irregular Present Tense Verbs

Learn the following irregular present tense verb conjugations. Complete the interactive exercises throughout the presentation.

Tarea Escrita 10.1

Once you’ve completed all the interactive exercises in the above presentaitons. Screenshot the summary slide of each presentation and submit as part of your homework.

Making Appointments with PODER + infinitive

In the above presentation you saw the conjugation for the verb PODER (to be able to). We can use poder + an infinitive verb to ask questions about when a patient can come to the clinic for an appointment. See the following examples:

  • ¿Puede venir el martes por la tarde?
    Can you come Tuesday
  • ¿Puede venir el jueges por la mañana?
    Can you come Thursday morning?
  • ¿Puede venir el viernes a las cuatro de la tarde?
    Can you come Friday at 4:00 p.m.?
  • ¿Cuándo está disponible para venir a la clínica?
    When are you available to come to the clinic?
  • ¿Cuándo puede venir a la clínica?
    When can you come to the clinic?

To refer to a general time of day you can use por la mañana/tarde. To refer to an exact time you can use a las + exact time (a la for 1:00-1:59).

Práctica escrita/oral 10.2

Imagine you are asking a patient for their availabilty in order to make an appointment. Write down five different time proposals for the patient to come to the clinic. Give the patient a name. Then record an audio of yourself saying the sentences from memory. You will hand in both your written answers and your audio recording.



Puentes: Spanish for dental hygienists Copyright © by esears. All Rights Reserved.