
12 Interrogative words, dates, times, seasons, birthdays, and personal information

Chapter Objectives

In this chapter you will learn how to:

  • Learn to form questions with ¿Qué? and ¿Cuál?
  • Learn other question words:
    • Cómo
    • Cuándo
    • Dónde
    • En qué
    • Cuántos, Cuántas
    • Quién, Quiénes
  • Identify and give dates using days, months, years and seasons.


Both qué and cuál are question words that normally translate as ‘what’ in English. When used with the verb ser, ‘qué’ asks for a definition and ‘cuál’ requests a specific piece of information.

  • —¿Qué es una caries?
    “What is a cavity?”
    —Una caries es la erosión del esmalte de los dientes causada por bacterias.
    “A cavity is the erosion of tooth enamel caused by bacteria.”
  • —¿Cuál es su nombre?
    “What is your name?”
  • —Mi nombre es José Antonio.
    “My name is Jose Antonio.”

Tarea Escrita 12.1

Decide whether you should use QUÉ or CUÁL to ask the following questions in Spanish. Then, complete the questions in Spanish.

  1. What is your phone number?
    ¿_______ es su número de teléfono?
  2. What is your address?
    ¿_______ es su dirección?
  3. What is that over there?
    ¿_______ es eso allí?
  4. What is the reason for your visit?
    ¿_______ es el motivo de su visita?

Other Question Words in Spanish

Listen to and observe the following question words in Spanish. Pay attention to the words that have different forms for plural and/or gender. Use the second slide to make sure you understand how these words are used in context.

Tarea Escrita 12.2

The following sentences are answers to questions. Write the question that would elicit each answer using the appropriate question word.

  1. Tengo 13 años.
  2. Tengo 52 años.
  3. Mi nombre es Sofía.
  4. Mi dirección es 122 Forest Ave.
  5. Soy cocinero en un restaurante chino.
  6. Mis apellidos son Álvarez Castañedo.
  7. Mi email es elchaparro2290@gmail.com.
  8. No tengo teléfono celular.
  9. Trabajo en la limpieza de una escuela primaria.
  10. Mi contacto de emergencia es mi esposa, Marcela Rodríguez.

Identifying the date using days, months, and years

Review vocabulary of days, months, and seasons from Unit III.

Now, learn common ways to ask about and identify dates.

Tarea Oral 12.3

Record oral answers to the following questions about yourself using the recording tool below. If the recording tool isn’t working on your device, record your answers using another recording tool on your device or an online tool such as https://online-voice-recorder.com/:

  1. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
  2. ¿Cuál es tu fecha de nacimiento?
  3. ¿Qué día es hoy?
  4. ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?



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