11 “Have you ever…”: Asking Medical History Questions
Chapter Objectives
In this chapter you will learn how to:
- Learn the haber + past participle formation to ask medical history questions.
- Learn time expressions to talk about the recent past.
- Learn common irregular verbs in the simple past.
Have you ever?: Haber + past participle
Tarea Escrita 11.1
Complete the exercises from the above presentation and screenshot or photograph the summary page to submit to your instructor.
Learn the following time expressions by listening to and imitating the pronunciation examples.
Tarea Escrita 11.2
Write five “Have you…?” questions using five of the above time expressions and activities of your choice to ask your classmates in the next class. Submit your written work to your instructor. Use the format in the following two examples:
- ¿Alguna vez has usado un irrigador bucal?
Have you ever used a Waterpik?
- ¿Has tenido algún dolor de muelas últimamente?
Have you had any tooth pain recently?
Below are common irregular verbs in the simple past. You can use this conjugation to ask simple questions about what somone did, as well as to ask“did you ever?” questions.
Tarea Escrita 11.3
Write five “Did you… yesterday?” questions about oral hygiene that you might ask a patient. In class we will practice asking these questions to each other. Use the usted form and follow the two examples, but don’t repeat the examples:
- ¿Usó hilo dental ayer? (Did you floss yesterday?)
- ¿Pudiste conseguir un cepillo eléctrico ayer? (Were you able to get an electric toothbrush yesterday?)