
13 Giving Instructions with the Imperative Form of the Verb

Chapter Objectives

In this chapter you will learn how to:

  • Give affirmative instructions to adults (formal) and kids (informal).
  • Give negative instructions.

Do and Don’t Do

The imperative verb form is a conjugation we use in Spanish equivalent to the following direct instructions in English:

  • Open your mouth. → Abra (usted) la boca.
  • Don’t eat so many sweets. → No coma (usted) tantos dulces.

Although there are different ways to ask people to do things in Spanish, the imperative is perfect for when you need to give clear and consice instructions in the clinic. Use por favor frequently when giving these types of instructions. First we will look at how to give instructions informally using the tú form of the imperative. Use this form when giving instructions to children and peers. The informal imperative has a different conjugation in the affirmative and negative forms.

Becuase the majority of your Spanish speaking patients are adults, you will normally use the formal imperative form. The formal imperative uses the same conjugation in both the affirmative and negative forms.

Tarea Escrita 13.1

Transform each group of words into two complete sentences using the imperative conjugation of each infinitive verb. Use the informal conjugation in one sentence, and the formal in the other. Check your work and spelling for each verb by looking up its conjugation in the SpanishDict conjugation tool and checking it with the imperative conjugation. Follow the example:

Tomar asiento, por favor
Take a seat, please.

FORMAL: Tome asiento, por favor.
INFORMAL: Toma asiento, por favor.

  1. Abrir bien la boca, por favor
    Open wide, please.
  2. No cruzar las piernas, por favor
    Don’t cross your legs, please
  3. No moverse, por favor.
    Don’t move, please.
  4. Enjuagar y escupir, por favor
    Rinse and spit, please.
  5. Cepillarse los dientes así
    Brush like this.

Tarea Oral 13.2

Record yourself speaking only the formal form of each instruction from the Tarea Escrita 13.1.




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