
6 Getting to and Navigating the Clinic

Chapter Objectives

In this chapter you will learn how to:

  • Give directions inside the clinic with:
    • the verb estar and adverbs/prepositions to describe an entity’s location
    • the question words ¿Dónde…? and ¿En qué…?
    • prepositions commonly used with location and directions
  • Give addresses and describe where your clinic is located

Giving Directions Inside the Clinic

You’ve already learned the verb SER, which is one equivalent of the English verb to be. In addition to SER, Spanish has other verbs that are equivalents of to be.  The most common of these is ESTAR. In the next chapter, we’ll learn and compare all of these equivalents. ESTAR is the verb we use as an equivalent of to be when we talk about the location of any material entity, that is, anything that occupies physical space: people, animals, objects, buildings, cities, countries, rivers, mountains, etc. Learn the conjugation of ESTAR below and study the example sentences, then move to the second slide to learn some adverbs to more precisely describe an entity’s position.

Tarea Escrita 6.1

In the last chapter you saw some new vocabulary of common objects and places within a dental clinic. Using that vocabulary, write 6 questions to ask your classmates next class about where those items are located in your dental clinic. Alternate between the two question forms ¿Dónde está/están… + [el, la, los, las] + [object]? and ¿En qué parte está/están… + [el, la, los, las] + [object]? For example:

  • ¿Dónde están los cepillos de dientes?
    Where are the toothbrushes?
  • ¿En qué parte está el hilo dental?
    Where is the dental floss? (Lit. In what part/area is the dental floss?)

Giving Addresses and Describing Where Your Clinic is Located

Giving an address and describing where it is located is simple in Spanish. We use SER when giving an address and ESTAR to talk about where the clinic is located.

Tarea Oral 6.2

Pick a physical place in your town such as a store, restaurant, business, museum, etc. and record an audio in which you give the address and describe its location.




Puentes: Spanish for dental hygienists Copyright © by esears. All Rights Reserved.