The topic you choose will be guided by your assignment.  Read your assignment instructions carefully.  Then, consider the following questions:


  • What do you already know about it?  What do you want to know about it?
  • What aspects, or viewpoints, about your topic interest you most?


  • Which groups are are most affected by your topic?  For example, gender, age, occupation, ethnicity, etc.
  • Who is involved in the discussion?


  • What place or geographic region does your topic most affect?
  • Is it universal?  Or contained to one region?


  • What time period do you want to cover?
  • Is it a current issue that affects people today?
  • Do you need a historical look at the topic?  How has it changed over time?

Your topic will likely go through many drafts before you decide on the best topic for your assignment.  Your research question may change, narrow, or expand as you learn more during the research process.  If you need advice about your topic, ask your instructor or your librarian.

This 6 minute video explains how to go from a topic idea to a narrowed, focused research question.