Book Title: Peer Review: A Critical Primer and Practical Course

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Book Description: This book is a self-paced, open access training in peer review. In eight modules it asks readers to engage in a variety of activities to learn the who, what, why, and how of peer review. It is geared toward library professionals, library school students, or other academic professionals who must understand and/or engage with the peer-review process.
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Book Description
This book is a self-paced, open access training in peer review. In eight modules it asks readers to engage in a variety of activities to learn the who, what, why, and how of peer review. It is geared to library professionals, library school students, or other academic professionals who must understand and/or engage with the peer-review process. The modules are:
- What is Peer Review?
- Opportunities and Challenges in Peer Review
- Bias and Power Structures in Peer Review
- Critically Examining Established Peer-Review Practices
- Innovations in Peer Review
- Librarians and Peer Review
- Developing Peer Review Norms, Guidelines, and Expectations for LIS (or your discipline)
- Developing Your Peer Review Practice
Peer Review: A Critical Primer and Practical Course Copyright © 2022 by Emily Ford is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.