
CICT Requirements

1. Classroom Teaching

Candidates must teach at PSU for a minimum of two terms. This may
include teaching a lecture course, a lab, or assisting in a faculty
member’s course with occasional teaching demonstrations.

2. Professional Development Workshops

Candidates must attend 20 hours of workshops through the Office
of Academic Innovation (OAI) or equivalent experiences (e.g.
coursework related to teaching and learning at the university level).

3. Discipline-Specific Training

Candidates must attend 20 hours of teacher training in the

candidate’s discipline, which may include courses on discipline-
specific teaching, workshops or regular meetings with a

department supervisor or coordinator. (If the department does not
provide enough hours, PD Workshops may be substituted).

4. Videoed Teaching Consultations (VTCs)

Candidates must complete two VTCs, at least two months apart,
in order to develop a Teaching Improvement Plan (TIP) based on
the video self-assessment.

5. Course Observation

Candidates must be observed once by a faculty member, adjunct
or senior GTA (a GTA with at least 1 year of teaching experience)
in their department using the approved observation form.

6. Mid-Quarter Review

Candidates must undergo a mid-quarter review of their course by
the Teaching Associate at OAI, which allows candidates’ students
to provide anonymous feedback about their course.

7. Digital Teaching Portfolio

Candidates must submit a digital teaching portfolio as evidence of
their proficiency in college teaching.

8. Exit Interview

Upon completion of the certificate, candidates must complete an exit
interview to review their Digital Teaching Portfolio with the Teaching
Associate at OAI. The interview will also give the candidate an
opportunity to share their experiences and feedback regarding their
participation in the CICT.