


 Complete two VTCs, at least two months apart.
 Complete a Teaching Improvement Plan (also available on Canvas) after each VTC (i.e.two total).
 Use the Canvas checklist to mark this as complete.
 Submit selected video clips from both VTCs on Canvas.
 Submit both completed Teaching Improvement Plans (TIP) on Canvas.


To meet the requirements of the CICT, you will choose a consultant to help you complete two VTCs at least two months apart. You may choose a different consultant for each VTC. You and the VTC consultant (your observer) will complete a Teaching Improvement Plan (TIP) afte each VTC:

VTC Guidelines:

1. Choose a GTA (preferably a GTA who has taught for at least one year), a Lead TA (a GTA who has been selected as a Lead by OAI), or a faculty member (preferably in your department)to act as the consultant for the VTC.

2. The VTC consultant will sit in your class and video the whole session or a portion that you select in advance. The portion should be at least 10 minutes long.

3. You may check out digital cameras from the library’s circulation desk or use your own equipment. Please test your video recorder in advance to avoid technical difficulties and to ensure sound quality.

4. Keep each of your recorded teaching sessions to use in your Digital Teaching Portfolio. You’re welcome to edit them to exclude irrelevant sections and to help focus on specific teaching and learning moments.

5. After you’ve been videoed, set up a time to meet with your consultant. You will watch the video together. If the whole session was recorded, please choose sections to focus on and skip the rest. There should be 10-30 minutes of teaching to examine.

6. Complete the Teaching Improvement Plan (TIP) with your consultant after watching the video.

TIP Guidelines:

Together with your consultant, you will complete one TIP form after each VTC (available on Canvas). The art and science of teaching requires regular reflective practice to affect positive change in yourself as a professional, and in your students as learners. The goal of the TIP is to acknowledge strengths and weaknesses in your own teaching practice and to identify strategies that will encourage improvement in specific areas. Your consultant will record your answers to the first set of questions before watching the video. They will do the same for the second set of questions after watching the video. Once completed, submit these forms on Canvas.


How do I find someone to observe me?
Most candidates find it easiest to reach out to GTAs or faculty members with whom they have rapport or familiarity (e.g., taken classes, collaborated on research, etc.). If these options are not available, we encourage you to reach out to faculty members in your department who are familiar with the course you’re teaching. If you are not able to find an observer, reach out to us.

Is it okay to combine a course observation with the VTC?
Yes. Just make sure you and your observer are aware of the different requirements for each. For instance, the observation requires you and your observer to fill out an observation form and to meet to discuss the observation afterwards. This can easily be combined with the post-VTC meeting and completion of the TIP. It is also recommended that the observer stay for the whole class session.

Is it okay to combine a Mid-Quarter Review with the VTC?
It is possible, but may be more complicated. The Mid-Quarter Review is generally done during the first or last 20 minutes of class and must happen with the instructor out of the room. It’s possible to do the MQR after an observation, during which part of the class session is videoed for the VTC, in which case, the above answer applies. However, MQRs are conducted by OAI; therefore it may be more difficult to schedule all of these experiences at once.

How do I go about asking my students’ permission to be filmed?
It is important to ask your students for their consent to be filmed prior to your scheduled VTC. PSU’s Office of University Communications has media release forms available for you to distribute to your students. In addition to obtaining this permission, however, it is also important to explain to your students why they are being filmed (e.g. for your own growth and improvement as a teacher, rather than an evaluation or observation of them as students).

What if I have one or more students who are not comfortable with being filmed?
If there are students in your class that are not comfortable with being filmed, you may be able to discuss possible options with them:

 Video editing/cropping

  • Because the VTCs require only 10-30 minutes of video to review, you could inform the student that you will edit out sections in
    which they appear.

 Positioning out of frame

  • The student may be able to sit outside the scope of the camera frame, although this solution does not address instances in
    which the student’s voice might be heard.

If the student is not comfortable with any of these options, feel free to reach out to us so we can brainstorm alternative solutions.

Can I record the VTC using my own device (smartphone, tablet, etc.)?
You are welcome to record your VTCs with your own device. However, make sure to plan ahead and do some preliminary testing to avoid technical difficulties. Some common pitfalls include:

 Running out of space on your device

  • Make sure you have ample space on your device since video files are large.

 Video is interrupted/stopped

  • Make sure you have your device set on a “do not disturb” or “airplane” mode so that texts, calls, and other alerts do not interfere with your video.

 Audio that is muffled or inaudible

  • Make sure the microphone on your device is turned on, not obstructed/covered, and sensitive enough to pick up the audio in all
    parts of your classroom.