


 Attend 20 real hours of professional development workshops.
 Use the Canvas checklist to mark this as complete.


These are workshops offered through the Office of Academic Innovation or other approved, equivalent experiences (e.g., coursework related to teaching and learning outside your discipline). Be sure to RSVP when available, sign in during each workshop at OAI, and keep track of your hours on Canvas.

To help you seek out these experiences, we list qualifying workshops in the GradPDx Calendar, also located on the CICT Canvas page. This is a Google Calendar that you can sync with your personal Google Calendar, and we update it regularly to include upcoming events.

For workshops and trainings, hours are defined as literal hours, so if a workshop is held from 3:00pm-5:00pm, that counts as 2 hours toward the certificate.

Coursework may be substituted for up to 10 workshop hours if the course(s) meet the mission and outcomes of the certificate. Please keep the syllabus of the course and any other documentation that qualifies the experience. Because the certificate workshops and trainings are shaped to ensure a well-rounded experience that will prepare candidates for professional life after graduation, coursework is limited to 10 hours, with hours equalling credits in the following way:

  • 1 credit course = 5 hours
  • 2 credit course = 8 hours
  • 3+ credit course = 10 hours


Can I use professional development workshops I found outside of the Google Calendar to meet this requirement?
Definitely—just remember that the workshop should help you meet the mission, outcomes, and competencies of the CICT. If you are ever unsure whether a particular workshop would count toward these hours, you are welcome to email us a description and we can let you know.

Can I retroactively count professional development workshops/trainings I’ve completed prior to beginning the CICT?
Yes, so long as the previous experiences meet the CICT program outcomes. The goal of the CICT program is to extend and deepen your professional development in teaching. Previous experiences that meet the requirements are welcome and encouraged.