


 Around the middle of the term, schedule a time for the Program Manager for Educational Initiatives at OAI to conduct a Mid-Quarter Review during one of your class periods.
 Submit a copy of your review summary on Canvas.
 Use the Canvas checklist to mark this as complete.


The Mid-Quarter Review is a way for students to share anonymous feedback with their instructors regarding their experiences in the course. The students’ input is then shared with the instructor, who can make adjustments as appropriate to benefit the students during the remainder of the course (and for future courses).
To schedule a Mid-Quarter Review, choose one of your teaching periods between weeks four and six, and then contact the Program Manager for Educational Initiatives (oai@pdx.edu) to arrange a time. Mid-Quarter Reviews can be conducted either by the Program Manager for Educational Initiatives or by another OAI staff member. Depending on the availability of all parties, the Mid-Quarter Review can take place at the beginning of the class period or at the end. Note that it will take approximately 20 minutes, and that you as the instructor will need to step out of the classroom during this time; doing so increases students’ sense of anonymity and comfort giving honest feedback. After the Mid-Quarter Review is complete, you will receive two documents: (1) a review summary document containing themes of student feedback, and (2) a document with strategies/tips for responding to student feedback.


Who will see the results of my Mid-Quarter Review?
Only you and the Program Manager for Educational Initiatives and/or OAI staff member conducting the review will see the summary report. If you work with co-instructors, under a faculty member/other instructor of record, they will not have access to your review information.

Is it okay to combine a Mid-Quarter Review with the VTC?
It is possible, but may be more complicated. The Mid-Quarter Review is generally done during the first or last 20 minutes of class and must happen with the instructor out of the room. It’s possible to do the MQR after an observation, during which part of the class session is videoed for the VTC, in which case, the above answer applies. However, MQRs are conducted by OAI; therefore, it may be more difficult to schedule all of these experiences at once.