


 Attend 20 real hours of teacher training in your discipline (see below for details).
 Use the Canvas checklist to mark this as complete.


These hours refer to teacher training in your discipline through your department, which may include courses on discipline-specific teaching, workshops or regular meetings with a department supervisor or coordinator. As the candidate, you get to decide what types of training experiences are important to you, relevant to your field, and ultimately most valuable for your future profession.

Discipline-Specific Trainings can range from attending a conference in your discipline to creating a weekly lunch with faculty or GTAs in your department to discuss teaching strategies. If your department does not provide enough hours, professional development workshops may be substituted. Reach out to us if this is the case, or if you have any concerns about fulfilling this requirement.

For workshops and trainings, hours are defined as literal hours, so if a workshop is held from 3:00pm-5:00pm, that counts as 2 hours toward the certificate.

Coursework may be substituted for up to 10workshop hours if the course(s) meet the
mission and outcomes of the certificate. Please keep the syllabus of the course and any other documentation that qualifies the experience. Because the certificate workshops and trainings are shaped to ensure a well-rounded experience that will prepare candidates for professional life after graduation, coursework is limited to 10 hours, with hours being equalling credits in the following way:

  • 1 credit course = 5 hours
  • 2 credit course = 8 hours
  • 3+ credit course = 10 hours


Can I retroactively count discipline-specific workshops/trainings I’ve completed prior to beginning the CICT?
Yes, so long as the previous experiences meet the CICT program outcomes. The goal of the CICT program is to extend and deepen your professional development in teaching. Previous experiences that meet the requirements are welcome and encouraged.