


 Develop a Digital Teaching Portfolio with all necessary sections (see below).
 Submit the link to your Digital Teaching Portfolio on Canvas.
 Use the Canvas checklist to mark this as complete.

General Description:

Similar to an artist’s portfolio, the Digital Teaching Portfolio serves as a collection of your work as a current/future teaching professional. It demonstrates your teaching experience, philosophy, style, and self-presentation. The Digital Teaching Portfolio has several required sections detailed on the following page. However, please review the guidelines provided on this page prior to beginning these sections.

The portfolio should live online on an approved platform such as one of the following:

Put simply, “artifacts” are samples from your teaching experiences. They should be short, specific, and original. Think of them as pieces of evidence that show what you have accomplished in each section of your Teaching Portfolio. These teaching artifacts could include (but are not limited to):

  • Syllabi
  • Assignment descriptions
  • Lecture slides, notes, etc.
  • Individual or group student assignments, projects, exercises, etc.
  • Lesson plans
  • Content that reflects equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Content samples from classes, lab courses, guest lectures, tutoring, research projects/presentations, mentoring, etc.
  • References for theories, techniques, innovations, etc. that you have used
  • Video clips from VTCs and/or course observations
  • Comments from mid-quarter reviews
  • Assessments (e.g., exam questions, essay prompts, etc.)

In each of the following sections of the Teaching Portfolio, you will find a statement that describes which example Artifact(s) you should include. You can include them by referencing (i.e. explaining them), linking to them (if they are available elsewhere online), and/or directly embedding them in that section of your portfolio. Include these materials in such a way so that it is visually pleasing and easy for people to access while they read.

Descriptions of Required Sections:

I. Introduction

A. Curriculum Vitae

  1. Follow a format that is appropriate for your discipline
  2. Include education, awards/honors, teaching experience, research, publishing, conference papers/presentations, academic leadership and service, membership in professional organizations, etc.

B. Introduction (may be a video): Provide an introduction that discusses:

  1. How the content of the portfolio aligns with the mission, and
  2. Meets the outcomes and competencies of the certificate and why you organized the content the way you did.
II. Teaching

A. Philosophy of Teaching and Learning. Discuss your perspective on teaching and learning in your discipline. Ground your narrative in your personal experience and training, and include references to pedagogical methods – lecture, collaborative learning, fieldwork, group work, community-based learning, etc. – and theories you use. Discuss how you integrate your philosophy into course and/or syllabus development. Check out Yale’s Teaching Statements for detailed guidance and The Ohio State University’s Philosophy of Teaching page for three good teaching philosophy examples.

Include Artifact(s) that: Illustrate your philosophy of teaching and learning with an original syllabus, course plan/outline, or assignment.

B. Philosophy of Equity and Inclusion. Discuss your perspective on equity and inclusion as it relates to your role as a teacher. How do you set the tone for an inclusive classroom environment? What do you perceive the role of diversity and inclusion to be in the learning process? See these example diversity statements for ideas.

Include Artifact(s) that: Illustrate your philosophy of equity and inclusion through syllabus language, relevant course content, or examples from your experience in the classroom as a CICT candidate that exemplify your philosophy.

C. Teaching Bibliography. Provide a list of where, what, when, how, and why you have taught. Include work as instructor of record for a lecture or lab course, lectures to replace a faculty member, tutoring in your content area, and specific experiences such as research mentorships with undergraduates.

Include Artifact(s) that serve as: Samples of items that illustrate the breadth and depth of your experience: original assignment, example of student work, classroom technology use, etc.

D. Innovation in College Teaching in Your Discipline. Discuss an innovation that you would like to implement in your department or that you plan to use in your own teaching practice. What research supports this innovation as a best practice? What examples are currently available as models for this innovation? How do you anticipate this innovation benefiting your department and/or classroom?

Include Artifact(s) to: Create a bibliography of the research that supports your suggested innovation as best practice.

E. Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning. Describe how you assess student learning for no grade via classroom assessment techniques (CATs or Formative Assessments). Describe how you evaluate students on in-class work, out-of-class work, group work, assignments, papers, projects, and tests for grades (Summative Assessments).

Include Artifact(s) that provide evidence of: Formative assessments of student learning: one-minute papers, questions, or midterm feedback on the class. Summative assessments of student learning: sample assignments, quizzes, tests, grading rubrics or models; copies of tests or assignments with your feedback to student (to be used only with written permission from student).

F. Assessment & Evaluation of Your Teaching. Describe formative assessments of your teaching such as peer or faculty observation and feedback or videoed teaching consultations (VTCs) which were followed by Teaching Improvement Plans (TIPs) on a class for which you were the instructor or GTA. Describe and explain evaluations of your teaching (end-of-term student evaluations, faculty evaluations, and unsolicited student feedback), which resulted in a grade or score.

Include Artifact(s) that illustrate: Assessment of Your Teaching: peer or faculty observation notes, VTC notes, Teaching Improvement Plans (TIPS), or mid-quarter review notes. For evaluation of your teaching include end-of-term student evaluations (quantitative data summarized into a chart or typed notes from a whole class), faculty evaluations of your teaching, or unsolicited student feedback.

G. Your Future in College/University Teaching or Professional Work. Describe the kind of postsecondary environment in which you would like to teach (two-year, four-year, or research institution). Discuss how you would incorporate your philosophy of teaching and learning into courses you plan to teach. Describe potential mentoring opportunities for students, independent study or fieldwork projects, research with graduate student researchers, or potential team-teaching opportunities. Suggest Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research that you might want to pursue. If you do not plan to teach in the future, discuss how your current teaching, GTA and certificate experiences relate to the work you would like to do, how you expect the skills and knowledge learned here to translate to your expected career field, and which aspects of your training will
benefit you most as a professional.

Include Artifact(s) that illustrate: Abstracts of courses or syllabi you would like to teach in the future, an abstract for a potential SoTL project, or a job description for work you would like to do.

H. Academic Professional Development. Describe efforts you have made to improve your teaching and professional development such as courses in college pedagogy, workshop participation, participation in a professional organization, conferences on teaching you have attended or at which you have presented, or special projects in which you have participated.

Include Artifact(s) to: Share examples of experiences you have had or work you have done to develop as an academic professional. These might be links to conference schedules, syllabi from courses you’ve taken, or links to professional organizations of which you are a member.

Digital Teaching Portfolio FAQs:

Can I make my Digital Teaching Portfolio on a platform other than the ones listed here?
Yes. The primary reason we suggested the above options is because we know they create good professional portfolios. At OAI, we support PebblePad and Google Sites in case you have questions or experience any issues while using them.

Does my Teaching Portfolio have to be “digital”?
Yes. The current professional world operates digitally (including job applications), so we want to make sure that your Digital Teaching Portfolio is something you can use in your professional life beyond the CICT.

How do I use my Digital Teaching Portfolio when I apply for jobs?
There are a few ways you can skillfully integrate your Digital Teaching Portfolio into the application process. Generally, most employers will ask you to email/submit a cover letter and resume/CV. If you are doing this over email, you can: 1) include a link to your Digital Teaching Portfolio as part of your email signature, and/or 2) in the body of the email, include a sentence that references your Digital Teaching Portfolio and includes a link to it. If you are submitting to an online database, you can include a sentence that references your Digital Teaching Portfolio in your cover letter and/or resume.