


 Have your teaching observed once by a faculty member or GTA.

Before the observation, you should complete:

During the observation, the observer should complete:

After the observation, the observer should complete:

After the observation, you both should complete:

  • A meeting in which you discuss the observation and the observer gives you a feedback letter

 Submit the following to Canvas:

  • Pre-Observation Form (Completed)
  • Observation Form (Completed)
  • Post-Observation Plan (Completed)
  • Use the Canvas checklist to mark this as complete.


CICT Candidates must be observed once by a faculty member (preferably within your department) or GTA (preferably a GTA with at least one year of teaching experience) in their department using the approved observation form. The observer should be present for the entirety of one class period (or the entirety of the teaching segment, if the candidate is teaching only a portion of a class, lab, etc.). The individual steps are listed above under “Requirements.”


Is it okay to combine a course observation with the VTC?
Yes. Just make sure you and your observer are aware of the different requirements for each. For instance, the observation requires you and your observer to fill out an observation form and to meet to discuss the observation afterwards. This can easily be combined with the post-VTC meeting and completion of the TIP. It is also recommended that the observer stay for the whole class session.

How do I find someone to observe me?
Most candidates find it easiest to reach out to GTAs or faculty members with whom they have rapport or familiarity (e.g., taken classes, done research, etc.). If these options are not available, we encourage you to reach out to faculty members in your department who are familiar with the course you’re teaching. If you are not able to find an observer, reach out to us.