


 Teach for minimum of two terms (see below for details).
 Use the Canvas checklist to mark this as complete.


Candidates must teach at PSU for a minimum of two terms. This may include teaching a lecture course, a lab, or assisting in a
faculty member’s course with occasional teaching demonstrations. The reason we ask candidates to teach for a minimum of two
terms is to ensure they can meet all of the CICT requirements, particularly the two VTCs, which must be at least two months


Do I have to teach two consecutive terms?
Nope! Teaching across two terms in total would meet the requirement, even if they are farther apart (e.g. in different academic

Can I retroactively count teaching experiences I’ve completed prior to beginning the CICT?
Yes, but you will also need current/future teaching opportunities. The goal of the CICT program is to extend and deepen your professional development in teaching, so previous experiences that meet the requirements are welcome and encouraged. However, remember that you will need some current/future teaching opportunities so that you can complete the Course Observation, VTCs, and Mid-Quarter Review requirements.

Can I use teaching experiences outside PSU, like in Portland Public Schools or at OHSU?
Most likely. However, teaching at PSU is preferred because we’ll be able to more easily support you (e.g. finding faculty observers). That said, your teaching experience in the CICT should ultimately align with your career goals, so if you are interested in teaching outside of PSU, reach out to us so we can work with you.