
Lesson 10 心得 Can Do’s and Cannot Do


Grammar Review

1.       Explain how to make potential forms for each of the four verb groups.

2.       Is a potential verb form a U-verb or RU-verb?

3.       Explain how to make a negative request.

4.       Explain how to express the following:

  • Permission                    ‘it’s okay to do X.’ or ‘you can do X.’
  • Prohibition                    ‘it’s no good if you do X.’ or ‘you must not do X.’
  • Negative permission   ‘it’s okay not to do X.’ or ‘you do not have to do X.’
  • Necessity                      ‘it’s no good if you do not do X.’ or ‘you must do X.’

5.       What does enryo mean? How is it used?

6.       What is the difference in meaning between:

  • Nani ka arimasu.
  • Nan de mo arimasu.

7.       What are the Japanese equivalents of the English word ‘wear’? How are they used?

8.       What is –sugiru attached to in order to make a compound word? What does it mean?

9.       The noun onaji is unique. In what way?

Lesson 10 Homework


A.      Identify the person(s) under discussion and the information provided about them. (9)




B.      Translate each question into English. (6)





B.      Self-Introduction: Find out the following in English about the speaker. (5)

Name & Age:





D. Review each context and circle the item that best fits the blank in the given context (20)

1. You’d like to rephrase what you have just said to be more precise.  Mou yo-ji…                  mada yo-ji desu.    a) To iu koto wa  b) Toriaezu  c) To iu ka  d) Tashika

2. You’ve been asked which you like better, dogs or cats.                          suki desu.    a) Neko no hou ga   b) Neko yori   c) Neko ga ichiban   d) Neko wa motto

3. You’ve been asked what worries you. Shiken ga                      shi…     a) shinpai    b) shinpai na    c) shinpai de    d) shinpai da

4. You want to know what kind of job a friend wants to get _______shigoto ga suki?   a) Dare   b) Dono  c) Donna   d) Dore

5. For the meeting time, nine o’clock has been suggested. You are fine with thatt. Ku-ji _______ii desu yo.   a)  wa    b) ni    c) de   d) ga

6. Ask a visitor to write down her name. Sumimasen. Onamae o _________kudasai.

a) kaite b) katte c) kakatte d) kaette

7. You’ve been asked why you are not going to the meeting. Jikan ga nai ________.

a) shi  b) na n desu  c)  da kara  d) da shi

8. You’ve been asked when the package will arrive there. Assate _______darou nee.

a) tsuki  b) tsuku  c) tsuite  d) tsukimasu

9. You just met a person. Ask the name of her company. __________kaisha desu ka?

a) Dono  b) Nan no  c) Nan to iu  d)Donna

10. You’ve been asked where you are going. You are going to help a Senpai. Senpai o _____ni itte kimaus.

a) tetsudai b) tetsudau c) tetsudatte d.)tetsudaimasu

11. You’d like to offer sweets to a friend. Okashi ______?

a) tabenai b) tabetai c) tabete d) tabeta

12. A co-worker has just introduced her big sister to you. What would you say? ________desu ka?

a) Ane  b)  Ani  c) Oneesan  d) Ojousan

13. You’d like to know how many people are in your co-worker’s family. Gokazoku wa ______desu ka?

a) nan-nin  b) nani-jin  c) ikutsu  d) nan-sai

14. You ran into an old friend at a party. Ask if everyone in her family is well. Minasan ________?

a) ii  b) ogenki  c) pinpin  d) daijoubu

15. You’ve been asked if you are still single. You got married last year. Kyonen kekkon_______.

a) shite imasu b) shimsu c) shite imashita d) shimashita

16. Over the phone ask a friend what he is doing right now. Ima nani _________no?

a) shita b) shitte iru c) shite iru d) suru

17. You’ve been asked what you think of Mr. Oda. _________ to omou kedo.

a) Majime da b)  Yasashikute c) Akarui desu d) Ii hito

18. A friend just broke some news that you were not aware of. Hee, __________!

a) Shirimasen. b) Shitte imasen. c) Shirimasen deshita. d) Shiranakatta

19. Ask a co-worker if the division chief gave him the OK. Buchou wa OK to__________no?

a) osshatta b) irasshatta c) nasatta d) moushita.

20. You forgot what time tomorrow’s presentation is. Check with a friend. Purezen wa, nan-ji ______kke.

a) desu b) de c) deshita d) datta

E.  Fill in the blanks below in either Romanization or Hiragana. (6)

Polite Present Plain Present Plain Negative Plain Past
tabemasu Taberu tabenai tabeta
imasu iru
nakunarimasu nakunaru
hatarakimasu hataraku


F.  Answer in English. (5)

1.    Explain how to use Chichi and Otousan.


2. Write the Informal Past form of the following U-verbs in Romanization or Hiragana.




erabu                    niau



3. What is the difference in meaning between the following? (2)

Mou shimasen. Mada shimasu.


4.  ~kara is used to provide the reason why. Describe two ways to explain reasons more indirectly. (2)

Lesson 10 Quiz

Identify the item(s) under discussion and the information provided about them. (9)





Translate each instruction into English. (17)







Circle the item that best fits the blank in the given context (20)

  1.  You’ve asked what kind of person Ms. Honda is.                        yasashii hito desu yo.    a. Akarui desu b. Omoshiroku c. Genki d. Kawaikute
  2.  You’ve been asked which you like better, pants or skirts.                               suki desu. a. Pantsu no hou ga b. Pantsu yori c. Pantsu ga ichiban d. Pantsu wa motto
  3.  A friend thinks your tie is the same as his. It is slightly different.                                kedo chotto chigau yo.   a. Onaji b. Niau c. Sokkuri d. Nite iru
  4.  You want to know what kind of job a friend wants to get                             shigoto ga suki?  a. Dare b. Dono c. Donna d. Dore
  5.  For the meeting, Monday has been suggested. Respond.  Nanyoubi_______ii desu yo.  a. de   b. ka  c. de mo  d. ga
  6. Ask a visitor to write her name here. Sumimasen. Koko ni onamae o_________kudasai.  a. kaite b. katte c. kaette d. kakatte
  7. Ask a co-worker if it’s okay to wear jeans for that event. Jiinzu_________ii deshou ka?   a. shite mo b. ja nakute mo c. kite mo d. haite mo
  8. You’ve been asked if you can read Japanese. Amari _______ nee.   a. yomanai b. yomenai c. yomeru d. yomimasu
  9. Ask a friend what the name of her dog is. __________namae?   a. Dono b. Nan no c. Nan to iu d. Donna
  10.  Tell a friend that you are going to throw away the trash. Gomi o _____ni iku no.  a. site b. sutete c. sute d. suttee
  11.  Tell a friend not to buy bento from that store. Ano mise no obentou______de.  a. kanai b. kaenai c. kaimasen d. kawanai
  12.  A co-worker has just introduced her big brother to you. What would you say? ________desu ka?  a. Ani b. Ane c. Oniisan d. Ojousan
  13.  You’d like to know how many children your co-worker has. Okosan wa ______desu ka? a. nan-nin b. nani-jin c. ikutsu d. nan-sai
  14.  Tell a friend that he must send the file today. Fairu kyou _______ikenai yo a. okuccha b. okutte wa c. okurenakute wa d. okuranakute mo
  15.  You’ve been asked if you are single. You will get married next month. Raigetsu kekkon_______. a. shite imasu b. shimasu c. shitte imasu d. shirimasu
  16.  You’ve been asked what you think of that intern. Chotto ___________sugiru kara shinpai. a. majime da b. yasumu c. kurai d. hataraki
  17.  You’ve been asked what you think of the suit. _________da to omou kedo. a. Hade na b. Oshare c. Takasugiru d. Kakko ii
  18.  Ask if a friend still remembers the password. Mada pasuwaado__________? a. oboeru b. oboete iru c. oboenai d. oboete ita
  19.  Ask a co-worker what the division chief said. Buchou wa nan to__________no? a. nasatta b. irasshatta c. osshatta d. moushita.
  20.  You forgot if smoking is prohibited here. Check with a friend. Koko wa, kin-en ______kke? a. desu b. de c. deshita d. datta


  1. Fill in the blanks below in either Romanization or Hiragana. (14)
~masu form Plain Affirmative Plain Negative Plain Past Plain Past Negative
tabemasu taberu tabenai tabeta taberareru
kimasu ‘come’
*makimasu maku
*karimasu kariru

* These verbs have not been introduced in the textbook.


  1. Explain in English how to use the following. (4)

Goenryo naku.



Dou shita no?

Dou suru no?