
Lesson 9 家族 Family

Lesson 9.2

Dialogue 2

At a company function

Oda: Sumisu-san, chotto goshoukai-shimasu. Kanai no Sakura desu.

スミスさん、ちょっとご紹介しょうかいします。家内 かないのさくらです。

Mr. Smith, I’d like to make an introduction. This is my wife, Sakura.

Michael: Okusama desu ka. Sumisu desu. Hajimemashite.


Mrs. Oda? I’m Smith. How do you do?

Mrs. Oda:Sakura-to moushimasu. Shujin ga itsumo osewa ni natte imasu.

さくらと申 もうします。主人しゅじん がいつもお世話せわになっています。

I’m Sakura. Thank you for helping my husband (Lit: My husband is always much obliged to you.)

Michael: Ieie, kochira koso.


No, no…he helps ME. (Lit: I’m the one who is obliged.)

After taking a while…

Michael: Okosan wa?


Do you have children?

Mrs. Oda: Musume ga hitori imasu. Kotoshi daigaku o sotsugyou-suru n desu.

娘むすめ が一人 ひとりいます。今年ことし 、大学だいがくを卒業そつぎょう するんです。

I have one daughter. She is graduating college this year.

Michael: Sore wa omedetou gozaimasu.



Later talking to Emily.

Michael: Nee okusan no namae, nan te itta kke?

ねえ、奥 おくさんの名前 なまえ、なんて言いったっけ?

Hey, what was the wife’s name?

Emily: Tashika, Sakura-san datta to omou kedo…

たしか、さくらさんだったと思 おもうけど。

If I remember correctly, I think it was Sakura, but….


goshoukai ごしょうかい ご紹介 Introduction (formal)
kanai かない 家内 wife; my wife (plain)
sakura さくら Cherry; woman’s name
okusama おくさま 奥様 wife: your wife (formal)
~sama 〜さま more respectful version of ~san
mousu もうす 申す say; called (humble)
+iu いう 言う say
+ossharu おっしゃる say (honorific)
Itsumo いつも always
sewa せわ 世話 care; help
osewa ni naru おせわになる お世話になる become obliged to someone
osewa ni natte imasu おせわにな っています Thank you for your help/support (ritual expression)
X koso 〜こそ be the very X
kochira koso こちらこそ I’m the one who…; likewise
okosan おこさん お子さん child; your child (formal)
+kodomo/ko  こども/こ 子供、子 child; my child (plain)
+akachan あかちゃん 赤ちゃん baby
musume むすめ娘 daughter; my daughter (plain)
hitori ひとり 一人 one person (See 9-2-3)
sotsugyou そつぎょう 卒業 graduation
+nyuugaku にゅうがく 入学 entrance into school
+koukou こうこう 高校 high school
+chuugaku/ chuugakkou ちゅうがく/ちゅうがっこう中学 中学校 middle school
+shougakkou しょうがっこう 小学校 elementary school
~kke 〜け retrieving information (See 9-2-2)
Tashika たしか 確か if I remember correctly
omou おもう 思う think

Grammar Notes

9-2-1 X to iu; X to omou

We had a particle /to/ before, which means ‘with’ indicating the accompaniment.

The new particle /to/ and its informal versions /~te/ and /~tte/ are introduced in this lesson. They indicate the quotation and report what someone says or thinks. They follow the quote, and are typically followed by the verbs iu ‘say’ and omou ‘think’.

Ashita kuru to itta.           He said that he would come tomorrow. Or, he said, “ I will come tomorrow.”

Asita kuru to omou.          I think that he would come tomorrow.

Japanese does not make a clear distinction between Direct and Indirect quotations, except that more animated tones reflect direct quotations. Note that the tense of the quote sentence remains as it was in the original quote regardless of the tense of the main verbs iu or omou. Compare the following.

Meeru ga kita to itta /omotta.       I said/thought that an email had come. (or, I said, “ An email came.”)

Meeru ga kuru to itta/ omotta.     I said/thought that an email would come. (or I said, “An email will come.”)

More about [Sentence] to omou

This is a structure where a smaller sentence (the quoted sentence) is embedded in a bigger sentence. The embedded sentence before /~to omou/ reflects the actual thought as it occurred and it is in the plain form regardless of whether the bigger sentence is in the formal or informal style. The final verb, omou or omoimasu, determines the speech style of the entire sentence.

Formal style sentence                                     Expressed as an opinion (Formal)

Ame desu.        It is raining.                            Ame da to omoimasu.  

Ame deshou.       It is probably raining.        Ame darou to omoimasu.     

Ame ja nai desu.     It is not raining             Ame ja nai to omoimasu.

Ame ja nai desu ka?    Isn’t it raining?         Ame ja nai ka to omoimasu.

The sentences on the right above can be changed to the informal style by switching
omoimasu to omou.

You can ask someone for an opinion by saying:

Dou omoimasu ka?                 What do you think?

You can express your agreement by saying:

Watashi mo sou omoimasu.     I think so too.

More about /X to iu/

In a casual speech, itta ‘said’ is often dropped and the sentence is ended with the quotation particle te/tte alone.

Nan te?                           What did he say?
Meeru ga kuru tte.        He said that an email would come.

The verb iimasu (iu, Group 1) means ‘say, tell’. Ossyaimasu (ossharu, Group 4) is its honorific version (raising the person) and moushimasu (mousu, Group 1) is its humble version (lowering the speaker). The humble form is used to lower the action of the speaker or members of the speaker’s group. In short, the honorific forms describe your out-group people and the humble forms describe your in-group. The In-group/Out-group border between two people may shift depending on who else is involved.

There are a couple of special expressions that involve the quotation particle.

  •   /X (name) to iimasu/: This means ‘it is called X’. It is ritually used in introductions.

Sumisu to moushimasu. Douzo yoroshiku.      My name is Smith. How do you do.

Kochira, Honda-san to ossyaimasu.                  This person is called Mr/s. Honda.

Onamae wa nan to ossyaru n desu ka.              What is your name?

You can also use this pattern to ask the names of things.

Kono ryouri wa nan to iu n desu ka.  What is this dish called?
Kore wa eigo de nan to iu n desu ka.  What do you call this in English?
Kaisha no namae, nan te iu no?          So, what is the company’s name?

  •   /X (name) to iu Y/: This means ‘Y called X’.

PSU to iu daigaku       ‘a university called PSU’
Oda-san to iu hito kara denwa desu.    It’s a phone call from a person called Oda.
Nan to iu eki de oriru n desu ka.            So, we are to get off at which station (a station called what)?

9-2-2 ~kke Retrieving previously shared information

The sentence particle ~kke indicates that the speaker is trying to recollect the information that was previously shared with the person he is talking to. The information itself can be about the present time or any other times, but because it was shared in the past, the sentence preceding this particle is in the Past form. The only exception is da, as seen below. Note that this particle cannot follow ~desu and therefore it’s impossible to have the formal affirmative form of adjectives before it.


Affirmative:  Koko, jihanki arimashita kke?            Is there a vending machine here?

   Koko jihanki atta kke?

Negative:     Koko, jihanki arimasen deshita kke?   Isn’t there a vending machine here?

  Koko, jihanki nakatta kke?


Affirmative:    Kore furukatta kke?                     Is this old?
*The formal form is not possible.

Negative:        Kore furuku arimasen deshita kke?    Isn’t this old?

               Kore, furuku nakatta kke?


Affirmative:   Ashita no apo wa go-ji deshita kke? Is tomorrow’s appointment at five?

    Ashita no apo wa nan-ji datta kke
    Ashita no apo wa nan-ji da kke?

Negative:       Ashita no apo wa go-ji ja arimasen deshita kke?  Isn’t tomorrow’s appointment at five?

    Ashita no apo wa go-ji ja nakatta kke?

9-2-3 Classifier for Counting People

The classifier ~ri/nin is used to count the number of people. The ~ri plus the Japanese number is used for the number one and two (hito-ri, futa-ri), and the ~nin with the Chinese numbers is used for three and above (san-nin, juuichi-nin, hyaku-nin, etc.) The question word is nan-nin ’how many people.’

The classifier for counting (small) animals like dogs, cats, insects, fish, etc.is
~hiki/piki/ biki. This sound change of /h-p-b/ is similar to the classifier ~hon/pon/bon

9-2-4 Family Terms

For each family term, there is at least one plain term and one formal term in Japanese.

The plain terms are used to refer to one’s own family. They are also used in legal documents. The formal terms are used to refer to other people’s family. Thus uchi no chichi means ‘my father’ and otaku no otoo-san ‘your father.’

While one refers to her mother as uchi no haha when talking to people outside of her family, she uses okaa-san when directly addressing her mother or talking to another member of her family about her. This is because within the family, generally speaking, the older members call the younger members by their given names while the younger members call the older members by the formal family terms. Therefore, an older brother calls a younger brother by his given name while the younger brother calls the older brother as onii-san or onii-chan ‘big brother.’

Another characteristic of Japanese family terms is that each family member can be referred to and addressed by the family term that is to be used by the youngest member of the family—from the viewpoint of the youngest member. It’s therefore not uncommon for a husband and wife to call each other okaa-san ‘mom’ and otoo-san ‘dad’, or for a parent to call the older son as onii-chan ‘big brother’ and the youngest son as boku ‘me.’
Sometimes, non-family members address strangers by the family terms that typically represent the age groups.  Obaa-san ‘grand-ma’ and Ojii-san ‘grand-pa’ are often used to address seniors, and onee-san ‘big sister’ and onii-san ‘big brother’ to address young people. Strangers often call a woman accompanying a little child okaas-san ‘mom.’ One caution is in order: Oba-san ‘auntie’ implies a middle-aged woman. Make sure the woman is not too young to be called that, or you’ll be in trouble.

Formal term Plain term English Equivalent
おく かない  つま   にょうぼう
奥さん        家 内(妻 、女房、ワイフ) wife
しゅじん だんな    しゅじん   おっと  だんな
ご主人、      旦那 さん        主人 (夫、旦那) husband
むすめ じょう          むすめ
娘 さん お嬢 さん       娘 daughter
むすこ むすこ
息子さん、    ぼっち ゃん    息子 son
かあ はは
お母さん 母 (ママ、おふく) mother
とう ちち
お父さん 父 (パパ、おやじ) father
そ ぼ
おばあさん 祖母 grandmother
そ ふ
おじいさん 祖父 grandfather
きょうだい きょうだい
ご兄弟 兄弟 brothers; siblings
ねえ あね
お姉さん older sister
にい あに
お兄さん older brother
いもうと いもうと
妹 さん younger sister
おとうと おとうと
弟 さん younger brother
おばさん おば aunt
おじさん おじ uncle
ご家族        家 family
りょうしん りょうしん
ご両親 両 親 both parents
まご まご
お孫さん grandchild
しんせき しんせき
ご親戚 親戚 relatives
よめ よめ
お嫁さん daughter-in-law,wife, bride
おいとこさん    いと cousin
めい めい
姪ごさん niece
おい おい
甥ごさん nephew
ぎり ぎり    おとうと
For in-laws, 義理の is added as 義理の   弟 brother-in-law’

Drills and Exercises

Cue and Response Drills

Listen to the audio. Following the first two model exchanges, respond to each cue.

A.      Cue: 家の家内です.    This is my wife.

Response: ああ、奥さんですか。はじめまして。 Oh, Mrs. X. How do you do?

Cue: 家の主人です。            This is my husband.

Response:        ああ、ご主人ですか。はじめまして. Oh. Mr. X. Hoe do you do?

B.      Cue: あの人は、さくらさんですか.Is she Sakura?

Response: はい、さくらと言います。 Yes, she is called Sakura.

Cue: あの会社は、日野ですか。    Is that company Hino?

Response: はい、日野と言います。           Yes, it’s called Hino.

C.      Cue: わかりますか。    Does he understand it?

Response: 分かると言いましたけど、分からないと思います.

He said that he did, but I don’t think he does.

Cue: 日本人ですか.            Is he Japanese?

Response: 日本人だと言いましたけど、日本人じゃないと思います。

He said he was but I don’t think he is.

D.      Cue: アポは何時ですか。What time is your appointment?

Response: 何時だったっけ。What time is it?

Cue: 日本人、いますか。  Is there any Japanese person?

Response: いたっけ。     Is there?

Say it in Japanese

Introduce the following people to a business associate at a company function.

  1. your spouse
  2. your son
  3. your daughter and her husband
  4. Yamamoto, the part-time student worker of your office
  5. Prof. Oda from University of Kyoto and his wife

Congratulate Ms. Oda on:

  1. graduating from college
  2. her son entering University of California
  3. her birthday
  4. her child starting the elementary school
  5. having a new baby

Act in Japanese

  1. At a business reception, meet a) the spouse b) son c) daughter of a business associate. Perform!
  2. Ask your supervisor if she has children. Find out how many, and their names and ages.
  3. In your self-introduction, mention when you entered and graduated from a) elementary school b) middle school, c) high school, and d) college.
  4. You’ve been served a dish you never had before. Find out what it is called.
  5. At the end of a dinner at a restaurant, let your group know that you will split the bill and each person should pay 3500 yen.