
Lesson 10 心得 Can Do’s and Cannot Do

Lesson 10.2

Dialogue 2  会話2

During a visit to a historic temple

Guide: Koko wa kin-en desu.

ここは禁煙 きんえん です。 No smoking here.

Michael: Kin-en tte dou iu imi?

禁煙って、どういう意味 い み ? What does ‘kin-en’ mean?

Honda: Tabako wa suwanai de tte iu imi.

タバコ吸 す わないでっていう意味 い み 。It means ‘please do not smoke.’ ……

Michael: Shashin totte mo ii desu ka.

写真 しゃしん 、撮 と ってもいいですか。 Is it okay if I take pictures?

Guide: Douzo. De mo furasshu wa goenryo kudasai.

どうぞ。でも、フラッシュはご遠慮 えんりょ ください。 Please. But please no flash picture


kin-en                  きんえん             禁煙           No Smoking

dou iu                   どういう                               what kind; descried how

imi                        いみ                     意味           meaning

dou iu imi            どういう             意味           what does it mean

tabako                  タバコ                                   tobacco; cigarette

suu                       すう                     吸う           smoke; inhale

totte mo              とっても              撮っても    even if you take (pictures) (See 10-1-1)

totte mo ii           とってもいい      撮ってもいい      it’s okay even if you take (pictures)

furasshu               フラッシュ                              flash

enryo                   えんりょ             遠慮              holding back, decline

goenryo               ごえんりょ         ご遠慮           holding back (polite)

goenryo kudasai              ご遠慮ください          Please refrain from …

+kinshi                きんし                禁止              forbidden; prohibited

+chuusha            ちゅうしゃ        駐車              parking

+chuusha kinshi 駐車禁止                                 No Parking

+enujii                  えぬじい          NG                 no good, not allowed

Grammar Notes

10-2-1 Expressing Permission

Earlier, we learned that we can ask for permission by simply saying ‘Ii desu ka?’ when it is clear from the context what we are asking permission for. For example, if someone raises her camera and says ‘Ii desu ka?’, it’s clear that she wants permission to take pictures. If a stranger points to an empty seat next to you and says ‘Ii desu ka?’, he is asking if he can sit there. However, when the context is not clear, we need to express ourselves more specifically.

To ask for permission for a specific action, you use the ~te form of the verb.

Shashin totte ii desu ka.      Is it okay if I take pictures? Or, Can I take pictures?


It is common to add mo to the V ~te form, which means ‘EVEN if you do V’.

Shashin totte mo ii desu ka.    Is it okay even if I take pictures?


The other te-forms–/adjective-kute/ and /noun de/ –are also used in this pattern with or without /mo/.

Takakute mo ii desu. It’s okay even if it’s expensive.

Eigo de mo ii desu.             It’s okay even if it’s English. or English is fine.

10-2-2 Enryo: The Virtue of Holding Back

Enryo means hesitating out of politeness, which is one of the most highly valued virtues in Japan. When offered something, you are usually expected to do some enryo before accepting it. Thus, sometimes “no” may not mean “no” and indicate enryo instead. To play it right, pay attention to tone of voice and facial expressions.


You can urge someone not to worry about being polite by saying:

Enryo shinai de.

Enryo shinai de kudasai.

Douzo, goenryo nasaranai de kudasai.


To accept the offer, the expression enryo naku ‘without enryo’ is commonly used.

Sou desu ka. Jaa, sekkaku desu kara, enryo naku itadakimasu.


Are you sure? Since you insist, I’ll accept it without enryo.

On the other hand, enryo-shimasu indicates a polite decline to an invitation.

Sekkaku desu kedo, enryo shimasu. Thank you, but no thank you.


X wa goenryo kudasai is a polite expression commonly used to ask someone to refrain from doing X. This is much more polite than X kinshi.


Otabako wa goenryo kudasai.            Please refrain from smoking.

Keitai wa goenryo kudasai.                Please refrain from using cellphones.

Drills and Excercise

Cue and Response

       しゃしん   と

Cue: 写真、撮りたいんですけど。 I’d like to take pictures.

Response: 撮ってもいいですよ。       It’s okay to take pictures.

Cue: ケータイ、使いたいんですけど。       I’d like to use my cellphone.

Response: 使ってもいいですよ。      It’s okay to use a cellphone.

      しゃしん   と

Cue: 写真、撮ってもいいですか。 Is it okay if I take pictures?

Response: あ、撮らないでください。          Oh, please don’t take them.

Cue: ケータイ、使ってもいいですか。        Is it okay if I use my cellphone?

Response: あ、使わないでください。          Oh, please don’t use it.

Say it in Japanese

You are on a group tour. Ask for permission as follows.

  1. Can I wait on the bus?
  2. Can I go and buy Omiyage at that store?
  3. Can I ask you a question?
  4. Can I use flash?
  5. Can I pay with a credit card?

You’ve just heard a Japanese word that you do not know. Ask a co-worker.

  1. What does ‘dota kyan’ mean ?
  2. What does ‘ikemen’ mean?
  3. What does ‘yabai’ mean?
  4. What does ‘dentouteki’ mean in English?
  5. What does ‘enryo’ mean in English?

Act in Japanese

  1. At a restaurant, ask a waiter a) if smoking is prohibited here; b) what this (description on the menu) mean.
  2. You’ve been shown a sample product. Ask if you can take a picture.
  3. You are in a park. Check if a) pets, b) drinks, c) bicycles are prohibited.
  4. Politely ask visitors to refrain from taking pictures here.
  5. As a host, offer your guests food and drinks. Tell your guests not to hesitate and help themselves. As a guest, be polite and hesitate from helping yourself. After being urged, accept politely.