Primary Text: Sample Resumes

Review the two sample resumes, then answer the questions that follow.

Note: Use the links preceding each image if you have trouble viewing the documents in this frame.

Primary Text 1: Willoughby Resumé

Resume of Phoebe Willoughby

Primary Text 2: Samuel Resumé

Resume of Elizabeth Samuel, Page 1 Resume of Elizabeth Samuel, Page 2

Check Your Understanding

Objective 1:
A leadership position where I can develop, implement, and coordinate a fitness program in a dynamic health setting.

Objective 2:
A challenging position in cardiac rehabilitation where I can utilize my knowledge in exercise science to guide individuals toward active healthy lifestyles.

Credit: Postitresume by J Wynia on flickr


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Writing as Critical Inquiry Copyright © by Keri Sanburn Behre, Ph.D. and Kate Comer, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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