
+ Training to Be a Counselor

Staff and counselors posing for a group photo at MHKC, trees in background.

Training to Be a Counselor

There are 3 types of required training that will help you prepare for the experience.

  • On-campus Counselor Orientation: This training is in-person and is held at PSU. Here you will meet staff, learn about camp, and about how to be a counselor. You will go over Medical & Behavior, Communication, Feeding & Personal Care, and Course Requirements. You will receive a Counselor Handbook, which is required reading before going to MHKC.
  • Online Training: You will get an email inviting you to participate in MHKC’s online training. From there you will read slide presentations, watch videos, and take quizzes that will take you approximately 2 hours. These are specifically designed to prepare you for Camp. They are not intended to be difficult or tricky in any way. Take the time to read and watch the videos and learn the materials.
  • Onsite Counselor Training: This will be up at MHKC and will begin when you report at camp for your session. We will review previous training and provide a more in-depth exploration of life at camp. This is when you will meet staff members and begin bonding with your group.

We can’t fully prepare you before the campers arrive. This is largely a “hands-on” learning experience; the real learning begins once the campers show up. To make this training experience successful for you, you need to be a person who will accept coaching, suggestions and feedback throughout the week from your Counselor Supervisor (CS) and the other camp staff.

Please see the syllabus for this summer’s PSU/MHKC SCHEDULE

On-Site Counselor Training

When: Counselor on-site training occurs the first Sunday of your two-week session. Onsite training will be from Sunday, 9:00 am through Monday morning. You will then transition from training to campers arriving.

Purpose: Training really begins before you arrive at camp. On-Site Counselor Training allows us to get to know one another, to begin the process of building a team to help each other during the two weeks at Camp.  We will also learn some fundamentals about working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Camp rules, protocols, safety, health, and emergency procedures will be discussed.  Throughout your two weeks as a counselor you will continue to learn about professionalism, teamwork, and working with individuals with developmental disabilities.

Sunday:  Arrival time at camp: 9:00 am Sunday the first week and 11:00 am Monday the second week (please be on time).  We will verify that we have all necessary forms when you arrive.  If we do not have these forms prior to your session, you may be dismissed.

Check-in: Once check-in is complete, we will jump into ice breakers and get to know each other. For the remainder of the training we will announce assigned housing locations, provide experiential learning sessions and training facilitated by MHKC Staff, and introduce you to your assigned group. Your group will consist of a Counselor Supervisor (CS), Assistant Counselor Supervisors (ACS), and the other counselors in your group. The CS and ACS in your group are your main leadership and support team for your two weeks at MHKC.


MHKC Counselor Handbook Copyright © by Scott Robison. All Rights Reserved.