6 Strategic Searching

This video created by Elsa Loftis, the Art Librarian at PSU, provides some helpful strategies for searching online:

Now let’s look at an example of how this works…

Adapted from: https://www.getty.edu/research/publications/



More about Strategic Searching

When searching in PSU Library research databases, use keywords that capture key concepts in your topic. A search with keywords like gender and salary will retrieve more and better results than a phrase like impact of gender on salary.

Use Scholarly Encyclopedias to discover more keywords. Scholarly encyclopedias contain background information, as well as scholarly language and keywords, people’s names, or place names. Watch this video, Brainstorming Keywords, to learn more:

(Also available at: https://library.pdx.edu/diy/choosing-keywords)



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Information Literacy in Art History Copyright © 2019 by Anne McClanan and Elsa Loftis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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