
3 Noun Clauses: Subjunctive & Indicative

Indicative mateIndicative

The indicative is the verb form we use when our intention is to assert, suppose, or predict an idea. It’s the most common verb form in simple sentences (sentences with just one independent clause). We also use it in subordinate clauses when our intention is to assertsuppose, or predict the idea expressed within.

asserting: Eli anda en bici ahora. Estoy seguro que Eli anda en bici ahora.
supposing: Eli andará en bici ahora. Me imagino que Eli anda en bici ahora.
A lo mejor Eli anda en bici ahora. Creo que Eli anda en bici ahora.
predicting: Eli va a andar en bici mañana. Parece que Eli va a andar en bici mañana.

Common Expressions that Assert, Suppose, and Predict

afirmar que

creer que

decir que*

declarar que

entender que

Es cierto que

Es indudable que

Es obvio que

Es que

estar convencido de que

Está comprobado que

Es verdad que

Figurar(se) que

Imaginar(se) que

No dudar que

Parecer(le) que

Pensar que

Saber que

Sentir que

Suponer que

to state/assert (that)…

to believe (that)…

to say (that)…

to declare (that)…

to understand (that)…

It’s true (that)…

There’s no doubt (that)…

It’s obvious (that)…

It’s just (that)…

to be convinced that…

It’s proven (that)…

It’s true (that)…

to imagine (that)…

to imagine (that)…

to not doubt (that)…

to seem (to smb) (that)…

to think (that)…

to know (that)…

to feel (as though/like)..

to suppose (that)…

*Decir que only asserts when it is used to reproduce a declaration: “María me dice que no quiere ir” (María tells me she doesn’t want to go). However, if it reproduces a request, then it isn’t asserting the idea in the subordinate clause and we use the subjunctive: “María me dice que deje de molestarla” (María tells me to stop bothering her).


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The subjunctive is the verb form we use when our intention is only to comment an idea without affirming it. Observe the following example:

The following slides show four ways we can comment on an idea without asserting, supposing, or predicting it.


Arrastrá las expresiones principales al lugar que corresponden.


Always remember to think whether or not the intention is to assert the idea or merely to comment it. This will help you avoid common pitfalls with some expressions that look similar to others that you’d normally use the subjunctive with.

El hecho de que…

We normally use the subjunctive with this expression because it’s commonly used to comment on an idea from a virtual perspective:

  • El hecho de que seas tan atento conmigo me encanta. (Me encanta que…)
    I love the fact that you’re so attentive with me.

However, you can use the indicative with this expression when the intention is to assert the idea.

  • Ignorás el hecho de que estamos todos agotados. (Ignorás que = No sabés que…)
    You’re not aware of the fact that we’re all exhausted.

Lo bueno es que… / Lo malo es que…

Because these expressions look similar to “Es bueno que…” and “Es malo que…“, you may think you’ll need to use the subjunctive. But, if we look more closely at these expressions, we’ll understand why they trigger the indicative. When we use these expressions, we’re really just making two assertions. Observe the following examples:

  • Lo bueno es que ya estás mejor. (Es que ya estás mejor [1] y eso es bueno [2].)
    The good thing is that you’re better.

  • Lo malo es que no recuerdo. (Es que no recuerdo [1] y eso es malo [2].)
    The bad thing is that I don’t remember.

Lo importante es que…

We can use both the the indicative and the subjunctive with this expression depending on what our intention is. If our intention is to assert an idea, we need to use the indicative. If our intention is to make a suggestion or recommendation, we need to use the subjunctive.

  • Lo importante es que Carlos vio todo. (Carlos vio todo y eso es importante.)
    The important thing is that Carlos saw everything.

  • Lo importante es que descanses.
    The important thing is for you to get some rest.

“Decir que” and other verbs that express communication 

We can use both the the indicative and the subjunctive with these types of verbs.

  • If we are reproducing statements that were made, we’ll use the indicative:
    • PAU: “Sos muy callada, Lau.”
    • LAU: “Pau dice que soy muy callada.” (Pau afirma que soy muy callada.)
  • But, if we are reproducing requests that were made, we’ll use the subjunctive.
    • LAU: “No hables tanto, Pau.”
    • PAU: “Lau dice que no hable tanto.” (Lau me pide que no hable tanto.)